Page 44 of Iron Heart

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I quickly pour myself a hot tea, twisting the lid of the honey and adding a dollop, praying there is an email from him when I return.



After I shower, I hit the bed, but rest eludes me.Another night of tossing and turning takes its toll, and before I know it, the weekend rolls around.

Saturday’s schedule is pretty light, just a talk show taping in LA.

I am staring at my reflection.My team has worked their magic, and they’re waiting in the living room to put the final touches on my look.Then it’s off with Kingsley.Just the thought of him escorting me—whether it’s to some fancy event or just down the hallway—still sends thrills down my spine.

I enter the living room with a graceful stride, my gown swishing elegantly with every step.And there he is, Kingsley, leaning against the window with a look that’s a mix of intensity and genuine fondness—all directed at me.

Damn, the way he looks at me is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.It’s as if his gaze peels away all my layers, diving straight into the core of me.It’s unsettling and addictive all at once.

“Good afternoon, Miss Slater,” he greets as I approach.

Behind me, my skilled hair and makeup team follows, their craftsmanship evident in every detail of my appearance.Their subtle gasps and exchanged glances speak volumes about their admiration for the final result.Of course, Kingsley’s presence doesn’t go unnoticed either, and I catch the soft moan slipping from someone’s lips in response to his irresistible magnetism.

“Afternoon, Kingsley,” I respond as casually as I can muster, ignoring the heat scalding my neck.

His eyes zero in on me as I approach, and I feel a quick flutter in my chest.

“Victoria, this is magnificent!”Phoebe, my makeup artist, exclaims with enthusiasm, referring to my off-the-shoulder Valentino gown.

“Thank you,” I reply, trying to sound confident, but I can feel a surge of nerves creeping in from out of nowhere.

“Ready, Miss Slater?”Kingsley asks.

Panic begins to rise, coming from nowhere.He watches me with a curious gaze, and I clear my throat.“I’ll just need a minute.”

Quickly, I excuse myself and rush back into my bedroom.I open the side drawer and down a valium without any water.Instantly, a sense of relief washes over me.Calmness swiftly replaces the fear that had briefly taken hold of me.

I return to find the girls and Lexy chatting with Kingsley, but it’s evident that he’s not fully engaged, his gaze flickering across to meet mine.

“Ready.”I manage to muster a smile.

The girls air kiss me, and we exchange goodbyes.

The journey to the studio is short, and my driver, Willie, is focused up front.Lexy is here, going over the interview questions andshow timings.

After a brief interview with the host, I’m scheduled to perform a new song from my upcoming album.Nerves begin to stir in my stomach once again, but I push them aside.This isn’t the time for that.

Lexy is beside me, talking, but her words are a distant murmur.I stare blankly out the window and notice Kingsley tilting his head in my peripheral vision.He’s trying to get my attention.His intense gaze locks onto mine with that look he gives when he’s up for some mischief, and I’m immediately intrigued.He retrieves something from his pant pocket, and I have to really focus to see it as he shields it from Lexy.

Oh my God, are those my panties in his pocket?

I burst into laughter, and he quickly tucks them away, his face serious as stone.

“What’s so funny?”Lexy asks, looking up from her notes, confused.

“Sorry, just remembered something from yesterday,” I say, turning to face her.

Wait, has he been holding onto my panties this whole time?

Lexy looks at me, her face a mixture of puzzlement.“Right then, if you say so.”She must think I’ve lost my mind.

* * *
