Page 45 of Iron Heart

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The production manager starts the countdown as we come back from the ad break, and so far, the interview’s been a breeze.Maybe it’s the Valium working its magic, but who cares.

Focus, Victoria, it’s performance time.

“Go, Viki!”a voice from the audience yells, an oddly familiar voice, and it freezes me in my tracks.

The accent reminds me of one of my captors, and suddenly, I’m hyperventilating.Panic grips me, threatening to overwhelm me.I glance toward the wings of the stage and find Lexy looking back at me.

Then, the lights come on, and my heart clenches in my chest.

As the speaker introduces my next song, she points to the front, indicating it’s time.The band gets ready, and my heart’s grip tightens even more.

And there he is.Kingsley steps forward, standing right in front of me.Our eyes lock, and in that moment, it’s like he’s silently commanding me to follow his lead.A nod from him, and suddenly, a wave of relaxation washes over me, melting away the fear gripping me.

The microphone feels less like a vice in my hand as I turn to face the audience.Three cameras pinpoint me, and my mask of terror is replaced by the show woman in me.

The next thing I know, the final notes of the song are filling the air, and the studio erupts with applause.The host comes over, offering congratulations, and as grateful as I am for their praise, deep down, I know this is becoming an issue.

I understand this isn’t the first time I’ve faced these out-of-control nerves and panic.There’s a nagging feeling that I might need some help as this panic grips me.

“What the hell was that?”Lexy slams the car door shut, her frustration evident.Kingsley sits across from me, his silence unbroken since my performance.He hasn’t spoken a word since ushering the autograph-seeking fans backstage out of my way and guiding me to the car.

“I don’t know,” I admit, my voice wavering.“I just froze.”

Lexy’s concerned gaze locks on me.“This isn’t the first time, Viki.”

Her phone rings, and she glances down at the screen.“Dammit, it’s the label.”

“Was it that obvious?”I mutter, my hands tugging at my hair in distress.

Lexy swiftly answers her phone, her voice formal.“Benjamin.”

Head of my record label… shit, this can’t be good.

A pause.

“She’s okay,” Lexy reassures him, but more silence follows.

I’m internally panicking, feeling like I need to pull myself together.I lift my eyes and find Kingsley’s gaze fixed on me, his expression inscrutable.

“Yes, sir,” Lexy speaks into the phone with an air of authority.“I’ll let her know.”She hangs up and directs her attention to me.

“What?What do you have to tell me now?”I ask, my frustration evident, my fake eyelashes irritating the tops of my eyelids.

She hesitates, swallowing before answering.“It’s not good.”

“He’s not canceling the next tour, is he?”

“God, no,” I scoff, hoping against hope that everything isn’t crashing down.“They’d lose millions.Benjamin wants you to take some time off.”

I laugh, but when Lexy’s serious expression doesn’t change, I know she’s not joking.

“How long?”I ask, feeling the sting of tears threatening.No, I won’t cry.I won’t let it all fall apart.I’ve worked too hard for this.

“Until you’re better.Maybe a week?”Lexy suggests, shrugging.

“A week isn’t enough,” Kingsley interjects unexpectedly, and I’m taken aback.I felt like he was in my corner.

“I don’t think you’re part of this discussion, Kingsley,” Lexy retorts, her tone sharp.
