Page 53 of Iron Heart

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“What?You complained so much about Victoria being high-maintenance when you first got this assignment,” Indy says, her voice warm but tinged with playful scrutiny.“But you sound… I don’t know, lighter now.What gives?”

I chuckle, finding comfort in the familiar back-and-forth with my sister.“People can grow on you, you know?”

“Mm-hmm,” she replies, drawing out the sound in a way that makes me know she’s not buying it.“You’ve always been a tough nut to crack, but your tone’s softer when you talk about her now.Spill.”

I sigh, laughing a little.“Fine, I’ve had a change of heart, okay?She’s been through a lot, and well, she’s kind of impressive, actually.But don’t read too much into it, sis.”

“Too late, already reading into it,” she teases.“You’ve never been one to wear your heart on your sleeve, but you’re also a terrible liar when it comes to family.You like her, don’t you?”

I pause, cautious.“I respect her, and I guess she’s growing on me.But let’s not jump the gun here.Work is work.”

Indy goes quiet for a moment and then chuckles.“You’ve always known how to compartmentalize your life, big bro.But this time, it sounds like the lines are blurring a little.Just be careful, okay?”

“Yeah,” I say softly, touched by her concern.“I will, don’t worry.Thanks, Indy.”

“No need to thank me.Just promise you’ll call more often.”

“I promise,” I say, really meaning it.I miss my sister.

I hang up the phone, suddenly aware of the warmth flooding through me.Maybe it’s because Indy’s words have illuminated something I’ve been feeling but haven’t wanted to admit.I glance toward the door that separates me from Victoria, and for the first time, it feels less like a boundary and more like a threshold I’m curious—but also a bit hesitant—to cross.

* * *

The smell of simmering red sauce wafts through the air, a scent so inviting it pulls me out of my room.I wander down the hallway and find Victoria in the kitchen, cooking away like she’s in her own world.She’s humming softly to herself, and for a moment, I just stand there, taking in the scene.

“Smells amazing.”I finally announce my presence, not wanting to startle her.

She turns around, and her eyes meet mine.“Oh, hey.I figured we could use a home-cooked meal, you know?”

I can’t help but smile at that.“You figured right.Need any help?”

She shakes her head, grinning.“I’ve got it under control, but you can keep me company.”

We lapse into a comfortable silence, both occupied with our thoughts but content to be in the same space.I lean against the kitchen island, watching her stir the sauce, adding spices, and sampling for taste.It’s a simple act, cooking, but it’s intimate in a way, and I feel like I’m seeing another side of her.

She catches me staring and raises an eyebrow.“What?Do I have sauce on my face?”

I chuckle.“No, no.I was just thinking how different you look right now in the kitchen.”

“Different good or different bad?”she inquires cautiously.

“Different good,” I assure her.“Exceptionally good.”

She serves me a plate of pasta, something I’d normally not eat, but the smell has me anticipating.

We have dinner, savoring each bite and sharing easy conversation, when suddenly she veers the topic toward my past.

“Do you want to share with me what happened in Somalia?”she asks tentatively.

The truth is, I do want to tell her.I’m just afraid she’ll cast judgment like everyone else undoubtedly has.I’m not a hero.My medals aren’t worth anything without my team, my friends.

She’s still looking at me, and well, I cave.

“Just over a year ago, our regiment was sent in to negotiate a peace mission between the local villagers and the militia recruiting young boys to fight.We were a team of five, waiting for hours on end.The crew was tired, and I was spent, but I kept on the lookout while we took turns on point.It was my turn to rest, and I insisted on staying, but Roger wouldn’t have it.He insisted I go back to the vehicles to refuel on water and food and to rest when I got there.

But when I did, all hell broke loose.The continuous rounds of bullets sounded in the distance.My team’s voices echoed through the comms.One by one, they were taken down.And as I sprinted toward them, I knew in my heart what I was about to face.

But it was worse than I could have imagined.Two lay dead on the ground while militia pounded bullets from overhead.I took my spot and shot back while trying to pull my teammates to cover.I didn’t know it at the time, but I’d been shot in the process.”
