Page 74 of Iron Heart

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I sob out at his admission.“I’m in love with you too.”

Immediately, he pulls me into a deep, soulful kiss, sealing a pact that’s more powerful than any spoken vow.As we break apart, I see a glimmer of peace in his eyes I haven’t seen before.

“Thank you,” he whispers.

“For what?”I ask.

His dark eyes stare into my soul.“For reminding me that even warriors need to heal and that true strength lies in embracing vulnerability… with the ones who matter most.”


Today, I laid down the final track for the album, and the sense of accomplishment is exhilarating.

I step into our house, still buzzing from the energy at the recording studio.The aroma of something delicious cooking fills the air as I drop my bag and kick off my shoes.

Kingsley sits at our kitchen table, lost in a sea of paperwork.He’s traded his role as my bodyguard for a more personal mission—helping fellow ex-soldiers manage their PTSD.And the look of deep concentration he often wears after a challenging day at the center seems to have lightened a bit.

“Hey,” I say, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek.“How was your day?”

He glances up, the typical hard lines around his eyes softening.“It was intense, but we made some progress.One of the guys started opening up today.”

I beam at him, thrilled by the important work he’s doing.“That’s incredible, Kingsley.You’re changing lives.”

He wraps his arms around me and inhales deeply as though he’s treasuring the very scent of this moment.“The feeling’s mutual,” he says softly.“Your music is touching people, giving them something to relate to.We’re both making waves in our own ways.”

“I may have wrapped up my album today,” I tell him.

“Then my kitten must be rewarded for all her efforts…”

I blush, leaning in to kiss him, only to be interrupted by my phone’s the piercing ringtone.

Isabella’s name lights up the screen, and I can’t help but smile.We've grown close over the past few months, sharing regular dinners with her, her adorable son Fox, and my brother Julius.And naturally, they’ve all fallen for Kingsley just like I have.

“Hey, Bella,” I say, my voice tinged with the happiness that Kingsley brings me.I press my lips to his briefly, savoring the moment before pulling away to focus on the call.“What’s up, hun?”

“I’m engaged!”she shrieks down the line.

I spin on my heel and scream into the receiver.“What?”

“Your brother proposed.Just now.”

My heart skips a beat, a surge of euphoria flooding through me as I hear her joyful screams.

“Now we have your wedding and Rosie’s to plan!”I shriek with excitement.

A voice interrupts us, making me spin around.

There he is, Kingsley, down on one knee, his eyes shimmering with hope and love.“And ours… I hope.”His piercing eyes lock onto mine, the weight of his words hanging in the air between us.“Victoria, marry me and make me the happiest goddamn man in the world.”

I’m so stunned my phone slips from my grasp, forgotten on the floor.My hands fly to my mouth, a gasp escaping my lips when tears flood my eyes.

Dropping to my knees to meet him, I throw my arms around his neck, the words tumbling out of me like a waterfall of joy.“Yes, Kingsley!A million times,yes!”

His eyes—those dark, deep pools that I’ve lost myself in countless times—are filled with emotion he rarely shows.He slides the ring onto my finger.It’s a perfect fit, like the life we’re building together.

The moment his lips meet mine, everything else fades away.It’s just us, wrapped in our own world, sealing a promise that’s been in the making since the day we met.His arms tighten around me as if he’s pulling me into his very soul, and I melt into him.

We break away, slightly breathless but smiling like fools.

A crackle comes over the phone that’s on the floor beside me.“Oh… my… God… Victoria, are you engaged?”

The end…
