Page 8 of Iron Heart

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Tonight, I’m on an Australian television show before we jet off.

I’m still dancing on a cloud from my performance in front of a sold-out arena of fifty-thousand people, riding on a wave of adrenaline from one interview to the next.Only four hours of sleep, but it doesn’t bother me.I will sleep on the plane tonight on my way to a two-day vacation in Italy.My team is flying back to LAX while I continue on to Sardinia for my brother Vincent’s engagement party.Unfortunately, Kingsley will be with me.

I’m mid-text to my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Rosie, when Lexy walks in holding a piece of paper.“Here’s the list of questions the panel of journalists will ask,” she informs me, her tone insistent while my hairdresser, Toni, puts the final touches on my hair.

“I don’t want to know, Lexy.You know that,” I reply, shooing the paper away.

“It’s live TV, Viki.You should be prepared,” she counters, her voice tinged with worry.

“I’m not worried,” I say, dismissing her concern.“You’ve briefed them on what they can’t ask, so why worry?I let out a deep exhale, tiredness creeping in.“ I have enough to worry about.”

I look up and catch Kingsley’s reflection in the mirror of my dressing room, stationed like the bodyguard he is.Our eyes meet, and something in his gaze holds my attention.Why do I find myself wanting him to look at me with the same dominant intensity he had in my dressing room before the show?

“What do you know about Kingsley?”I ask Lexy, keeping my voice low, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Apart from the fact that he’s drop-dead gorgeous but could also strangle me with one hand?”Lexy teases, her eyes twinkling.

“Jesus, Lexy,” I admonish, trying to keep a straight face.

“I wouldn’t mind if he strangled me,” Toni adds and nods with a moan that makes us all laugh out loud.

I continue to study Kingsley’s reflection as Lexy answers, drawing me back to the conversation.“Well, I only know what Vincent has told us,” she says, her voice serious now.“He’s one of the best in the business, a real professional.Ex-Special Forces, I think.He’s got a reputation for being tight-lipped and stern, but he’s the best at what he does.”

I turn my attention back to Lexy, considering her words.“That’s it?”I ask, feeling a twinge of disappointment.“Nothing more personal?No family, friends, background?”

Lexy shakes her head, her expression apologetic.“I’m afraid not.He’s a private person from what I’ve gathered.Keeps his personal life separate from his professional life.”

I chew on my lip, feeling both frustrated and intrigued.The lack of information only adds to the mystery surrounding Kingsley, fueling my curiosity.“So he’s good at his job,” I say slowly, my mind working.“But what about the way he treats people?The fans, the staff?He seems… intense.”

Lexy’s eyes flicker to Kingsley’s reflection, and she hesitates for a moment before answering.“Yes, he’s intense, but that’s part of what makes him good at what he does.In the few days he’s been here, he’s not afraid to make tough decisions if it means keeping you safe.But it’s you who needs to trust him, Viki.Without that, you won’t have a professional relationship at all.”

Her words resonate with me, echoing my own thoughts.I feel a strange connection to Kingsley, a desire to uncover the man behind the façade.But I also know he’s here to do a job, and I need to respect his boundaries.

I nod at Lexy, signaling the end of our conversation, and turn my attention back to my incoming text.But while the minutes tick by, and the time for my live interview draws near, I can’t help but steal glances at Kingsley, wondering what secrets he’s hiding and whether I’ll ever get the chance to discover them.

The live studio audience’s laughter fills the room, and their excitement is palpable.I revel in the energy, holding them captivated as the interview nears the end.My mind, however, drifts to the upcoming vacation, complete with relaxing lavender eye masks, prosecco, and Italian food.After a grueling few months on tour, the thought of rest is intoxicating.

“And we are back in five… four… three…” the studio hand counts us in from the ad break, the teleprompter rolling smoothly.

“And we’re back with singing sensation, Viki Slate, who has taken the world by storm!She’s just been on tour, and everyone is dying to know when we can expect her next album to drop.The anticipation is crazy,” the host, Martin, exclaims.

The audience’s shrieks fill the studio.

“Well, I’ll be back in LA after this, and we’ll start laying down the second half of the album then.I’d have to get back to you on a date, but I can assure you it’s worth the hype,” I reply, feeling the audience’s enthusiasm.

“Oh, we can’t wait, can we?”a female journalist chimes in, captivating the audience once again, drawing applause.

“Now, I know you have to jet off, but can we try something new with you?”Martin asks, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

I swallow roughly but answer confidently, “Sure.”

“Because we have such a fan-frenzied audience, I’d like to throw the mic for a question.Would you be willing to take a question from your fans?”he asks, his gaze fixed on me.

“Of course.I wouldn’t be here without my fans,” I respond, sincerity lacing my voice.

“Excellent… who do we have?”Martin inquires, and all eyes cast to the dark audience.

A stagehand brings a microphone to a man in the back row.It’s dim, and I can barely make him out.
