Page 10 of Merry Mountain Man

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I want to trust that Bear is right. He has to be right. He already has my heart.

We sit at the table together. The smell of the coffee is intoxicating. The cup warms up my hand as I lift it to my lips. A quick sip and I realize that it’s exactly the way I like it — a little bit of milk and a very generous amount of sugar. I smile at this amazing man as I take another sip. I want this to be what we share every morning together. I want to decorate for Christmas and do ridiculous couple things. I want to have joy in my life. I want to find that joy with Bear Lawson.

“Bear, I want us to always be honest with each other. I don’t want to hide how things make me feel even if it upsets you. I’ve spent so long hiding my feelings that I just don’t think I can do it anymore.” I hold my breath waiting for him to reply.

“Holly, sweetheart, I don’t want you to ever hide anything from me. Every thought, fear, feeling. I want to know them all. I love you and nothing can change that.”

I let out the breath I was holding and smile. “Thank you. I love you so much.” Bear grabs my hand, raises it to his lips and kisses the inside of my wrist. It’s sweet and a little sexy.

“Can you tell me what happened earlier?”

“I just froze. I was feeling so happy unpacking your Christmas stuff and then I heard you talking to someone. I could tell quickly that it was Dax and then you were yelling at him about me. The yelling set off something in me. I don’t want to come between the two of you and I don’t want Dax to hate me for destroying his friendship.” I’m crying again like I was when I told him about my parents. “I love you so much and don’t want to give this up either. I’m selfish like that.” I laugh and shrug through my tears.

Bear reaches for me and pulls me out of my seat and into his lap. He holds me close. It feels so good in his arms. “Holly, I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll keep saying that until you believe me. Dax isn’t going anywhere either and he’s not going to hate you. Will he be upset with me? Probably, but I don’t care and in the end it will be fine. We have something very important in common. He loves you more than anything and so do I.”

I tilt my face toward his, unable to go another second without kissing my man. This is going to be something I struggle with for a while, but with Bear’s help I’m sure I can work through these issues and come out on the other side.

Bear breaks the kiss and adds, “And as for being selfish, Holly, be as selfish as you fucking want. What we have together is special and rare. I love you more than I ever thought was possible and I’m selfish too. I would do anything, fight anyone to be with you forever.”

“Forever sounds perfect.”

Our breakfast is quickly forgotten as we get lost in each other. Bear carries me to the couch in the living room. He presses his body against mine, kissing me with so much passion as I explore his body with my hands. He’s hard in all the places I’m soft. He pushes his cock against my aching core.

“You feel so fucking good, baby girl,” Bear whispers in my ear. “I want to fuck you so hard. I want to feel you take me in and come on my cock.”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

Bear laughs, “So eager.”


Bear picks me up, carries me to his bedroom and tosses me on the bed. “I hope your ready for this, Holly Berry.”

“The question is are you ready for me, Honey Bear?” I answer back with a wink.

Chapter Seven


It’s dark outside when we decide to get out of bed. We spent the entire day making love, taking cat naps, and whispering words of love to each other. It has been the best day of my entire life.

“I want to decorate the tree,” I tell Bear as we walk into the living room.

“Sweetheart, we can do whatever you want to do. We can decorate, watch movies, and Christmas this place up.”

“That sounds like fun. It’s too bad we can’t have pizza delivered. This sounds like the perfect pizza type of night.”

We both look toward the windows. It’s hard to tell what the roads are like outside, but I wouldn’t risk someone driving out in this snow. There are a few cars trudging along, but it doesn’t look like they are going anywhere easily or quickly.

“I’ve got some frozen pizzas, and we can get whatever we want to drink from the bar.” Bear suggests.

“That’s perfect. I’ll start the pizza if you get the drinks. Then we can start to Christmas this place up.” I laugh at the phrase Bear used earlier, because I don’t think that people actually say that.

“Okay, sweetheart.” We walk into the kitchen and as I pull out the pizza and turn the oven on to preheat Bear asks, “What do you want to drink?”

“You know what I drink.”

We answer at the same time, “Rum and coke with light ice.”
