Page 9 of Big Nick Energy

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Because I wouldn’t cry for anyone but my wife.

And even then, she only got it on our wedding day.

And only one small tear.

One that nobody saw.

Not even her. Because I was no pussy.

“I can’t fuckin’ believe it,” Titus crowed as he pulled back. “What in the fuck, man?”

Slone pulled back, smiling wide, and pounded me hard on the back.

“It’s been too goddamn long,” he declared. “What the fuck took you so long?”

I often wondered that myself.

Over the last six months, we’d done a lot of hurry up and waiting.

Intelligence and recon was really fuckin’ hard to do when you had a wife at home who needed you.

I felt like I was sitting there with my thumb up my ass for most of it.

“I’m home now,” I promised. “And it just so happened that it fell on a day that y’all were playing up here. How fuckin’ perfect, right?”

Both of them came back in for another hug.

But it was the soft, “Um, Banner?” that had me letting them go and turning around.

I frowned when I saw Perry’s hand clutching her belly, and her eyes wide.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She swallowed hard, and then pointed down.

That’s when I saw that her jeans were soaked.

“Oh, fuck.”


Don’t judge my life story by the chapter you walked in on.

-Text from Banner to a new friend


It was good to know two famous football players.


Because they were able to get me out of the stadium and into a waiting ambulance in less time than it took most losers to walk to the bathroom.

Grinning like the idiots they were, Slone and Titus waved. “We’ll see y’all after the game. Can’t wait to meet baby Banner.”

I waved them off but didn’t quite focus on them and what they were saying, because holy hell.
