Page 1 of Unwrapped

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Christmas Falls. What a weird name for a town that seems to almost revolve around a motorcycle club. I’m sure not everybody in town likes that but a motorcycle club and the hard guys involved in one don’t scare me. I’ve got too many other demons of my own to worry about.

I stroll slowly down the main avenue in town, my eyes darting back and forth to all the decorated doorways up and down the street. At the end of the street, there’s an unusual sight that I don’t think I’ve ever seen in all my travels. A huge waterfall looms over the town, high on a large mountain that borders the town at one end. It’s stunning even in the middle of winter. There’s snow on the mountain and frost in the air but the huge wall of water is still moving even in the cold. I can almost hear the roar of the water from here and it makes me smile. It’s a beautiful sight. Awe-inspiring.

It almost makes me forget about why I’m here. Why I’m running. Almost makes me believe in magic.

I snort and hitch my backpack up higher on my back. My back aches but it’s not because of the weight of my pack. I barely have a few changes of clothes and some soap and toothpaste. I’m traveling light and that’s the way I like it. I’m just fucking tired. And hungry.

But I’m running low on money and I need to find some way to recoup some of that money so I can continue on my way. I can’t stop. If I do, it’s possible…hell, it’s probable that he’ll find me.

I cover my eyes and peek in one of the windows, frowning when I can’t see anything. Then a huge shadow stands up and I squeak, stepping back so fast that I lose my balance, my arms pinwheeling wildly. I hit the pavement.

“Oof!” I holler, gritting my teeth at the pain in my ass. Without thinking, I rub it, wincing.

“Are you alright?”

I lift my head and squint up and up and up at the huge shadowy figure in front of me. The bright sunlight half-blinds me until he leans over me and then I get my first real look at the man behind the rough, raspy voice.

He’s huge! I mean…I’ve never seen a man as big as this one. His pale green eyes flash at me as they dart up and down my body, making a strange heat sizzle up and down my skin everywhere that green gaze hits me.

He backs away quickly and shoves his big, dirty hands in his pockets. “Are you alright?” He asks me, his light brown brows scrunching together.

“I’m fine,” I huff. I dust off my ass and put my hand down, getting ready to stand.

“Here.” A huge hand appears in front of me and I lift my eyes again.

“I’m fine,” I repeat, ignoring his hand and shifting until I can get my feet under me and push up to stand.

His hand drops and he eyes me carefully. “I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I shove my hand onto my hip. “Well, you did.” I turn and grab my bag up off the ground and turn to walk away.

“Wait, wait! What’s your name? What are you doing here in Christmas Falls?”

“None of your damn business,” I grunt, stepping away from his huge form.

A deep, rolling chuckle has me whirling around to stare at the giant. “What’s so funny?” I snarl.

“Oh, I was just thinking about a friend of mine.”

My brow lifts and I stare at him, not trusting the smile on his gorgeous, rough-hewn face. He’s not a pretty boy. He’s got a scar that runs along the side of his face and tugs at one side of his firm mouth, making his smile lopsided at best, twisted at worst. He’s tanned, tall and broad as a freaking truck. Dark black ink swirls out from under his shirt collar on his throat and peeks out from the long sleeves of his t-shirt.

“It’s really nice that you have a friend. Now if you’ll excuse me…I’ve got to be on my way.”

“I don’t think I will.” He darts in front of me, blocking me from moving around him. He moves fast for a big guy. “What are you doing here in town? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”

“I’m just in town for a short time. I’m looking to make a little bit of money to replenish my supplies. Then I’m gonna be moving on again.”

“Well, I’m looking for someone to help me out.”

I quirk my brow and eye his big body suspiciously. In my experience, most men don’t do something for someone without wantingsomethingin return.

I’m shaking my head before he can even tell me what he needs. “Ummm. I don’t think so.”

Bang!A car backfires and I jump what feels like half a foot, whipping around, my face paling.
