Page 14 of Unwrapped

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“You owe me this, dammit! After your father died, I took you and your mom in. Raised you like my own. You owe me, dammit!”

As if. A man takes on a child that’s not his and raises them for love. Not money or what he can get out of it. He should have treasured my Addie like the little jewel she is instead of trying to sell her off to pay off his debts. And what happened to her mom? Why didn’t she say anything to him?

The paper that’s stuck to it makes my heart sink. An obituary. From about a year ago. Her mama died from an accident. A fall down the stairs.

I glance back at that picture and something about the pain in her eyes tells me that there might be more to that accident than the police knew.

My hackles rise. Any man that would threaten a girl to get what he wants and trade her body and soul for his own needs is the kind that might also hurt his wife.

And I hate that kind of man.

I drop the papers back inside with the picture and stand up, dressing quickly. I slip my boots on and hit the back stairs at a jog. I fully expect to run into Addie at any second but I reach the back door and still haven’t seen her.

“I’m gonna paddle her ass for going outside in nothing but a shirt,” I mutter under my breath.

Pushing the door open, I suck in an icy breath when the door hits something and it clinks. I slip outside and almost jump out of my skin when a small, furry body hits my boots and yips.

“What the hell? Pup? What are you doing out here?” But I already know. The small dish that has remnants of his dinner on it taunts me. She wasn’t running from me… she was feeding the damn puppy. I forgot last night.

I bend down and run my hand down his back, smirking when he jumps around and barks.

“Had a good dinner?” But my eyes keep going back to that plate and something is bothering the hell out of me. I reach out a hand and realize that the food isn’t all that’s on it. A drop of something red clings to one edge and my heart stutters to a stop, blood rushing to my head.

Thank god, I’m down on the ground or I might collapse in a heap.

But my shaking finger runs along it, even as I’m hoping it’s ketchup. A quick sniff tells me everything I need to know. The unmistakeable copper smell of blood guts me. I glance around and see the bare steps that come up against big, booted feet. Not mine. I haven’t been outside since the storm started. These aren’t any of the other men from Christmas Falls MC either. None of them would harm a hair on her head.

“That fucker,” I mutter and stand up quickly, my fists clenched angrily. He couldn’t find his own way to pay his bills. He stole my girl.

And as soon as I find them, he’s gonna wish he’d never touched a hair on her head. I’m gonna bring home my baby girl and tear him apart with my bare hands.

“Daddy’s coming for you, baby. Hold on for me.”

I whip around and head inside for supplies and to make a phone call. I need to make sure someone knows where I’m going in case my angel needs more help than me.

I’ll die for her without blinking an eye but I need to make sure she’s safe no matter what. That’s all that really matters in this big, bad world.

My baby girl.



Imoan, struggling up out the darkness. My stomach flips and I push down the nausea battering me. My head is throbbing and I can’t breathe without pain.

I try and touch my head but my hands won’t move. Panic swirls up and makes my head throb harder.What’s wrong with my hands?

It takes me a minute but then I realize that I’m tied up. That fucking bastard kidnapped me!

I reach out my fingers and realize that I’m resting on something furry. It’s cold and I can feel air moving around me. I shiver, thankful that I’m still wrapped in whatever he threw over me instead of just the thin shirt of Petrol’s I was wearing.

My heart sinks when I wonder what he’s going to think about me disappearing like this. Probably that I’m on my way to my next home that isn’t a home.

A single tear meanders down my cheek. He’s probably better off not having to get sucked into my problems. At least this way, he can be mad at me and think that I ran off instead of trying to help me and getting himself killed.

I drift in and out as it seems like we’ve been driving forever. My body is so cold that I can’t feel my fingers or toes anymore. I have no idea how long we’ve been traveling but sooner or later Dick is going to have to stop. I mean, the man has to pee right? He’s human even if he is a jackass.

I fall asleep again and I’m awakened when the car hits a bump and then another. It seems like we’ve turned off the main road and we’re bumping along a goat track or something like it.Jesus.
