Page 15 of Unwrapped

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My heart skitters when I feel the car slowing down. It stops and then all I can hear is silence. A door creaks open and then slams shut and I tense, knowing this will be the only time that I can get away…maybe.

I listen intently and hear footsteps coming closer and closer until I hear the key scratch in the lock and the trunk lid snaps open. I don’t even get a chance to do anything because Dick is standing outside grinning, another man holding a gun on me.

“Look at this happy reunion! Your groom is right here and waiting for you with open arms.”

I push my tears and fear down. No way am I giving this bastard the satisfaction of knowing that I’m fucking terrified.

“Nothing to say, Adeline? After being separated from your loved ones for so long?”

Harrison hands the gun to my stepfather and then he bends forward to lift me up less than gently out of the trunk. He steps forward and nods his head towards the door of the log cabin. There are no lights on and I have a feeling there’s nobody there that I can beg to help me. I’m alone with these two psychos with no help in sight.

Merry fucking Christmas to me.

It takes only minutes to get me situated on the couch in the big open space. If I wasn’t so damn terrified I’d love the space. It’s beautifully warm and cozy.

Dick sees me looking around and smiles. “Harrison got this lovely place for you guys to have your honeymoon alone. Isn’t that considerate? No crowds to bother you. No hustle and bustle of the holidays to keep you guys from enjoying your time together.”

I shudder delicately. I don’t want to enjoy anything with this man. Harrison’s cold grey eyes and thin lips tighten as he glares at me. I can see his eyes crawling down my curves with a look in his eyes that I don’t like at all.

“Forgive me if I’m a little confused,Dick. But I don’t recall marrying Harrison. I’m pretty sure I left before we got married.”

Both men grunt but then Dick’s slimy smile is back in full force. “Yes. I know. And to stop that from happening again, I took the opportunity while we were trying to find you to become ordained. I can perform your ceremony now. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Both of the bastards grin at me and I struggle not to shiver in disgust and fear.

I will not let them see how those words make my skin crawl.

Harrison’s paper-thin skin is stretched across his thin frame and he saunters over to the fire to build it up. It’s obvious that I hadn’t gotten as far from them as I had hoped over these months and they had this all ready.

I clamp my lips shut and then groan in faux pain. “I need to use the bathroom.”

Both men glance at each other and I snarl at them. “I don’t intend to run but I’d rather not pee myself on my wedding day, thank you!”

Harrison jerks his head over to the side and Dick growls, “Come on then.” He leans down and jerks me to my feet, freeing my hands. I groan and chafe at my wrists. He leans into me and breathes in my face and I can tell immediately he had onions for lunch. The fumes make my stomach churn. “Don’t try anything funny or you’re gonna get married with your arms and legs hogtied.” He pauses and grins. “At least until you’re tied to the bed.”

Disgust makes my stomach churn but I refuse to say one damn word. One way or another, I have to try and get the hell out of this mess. It might take me years but I did it once and I’ll do it again.

He shoves a hand into my back and I fall onto the floor in the bathroom as he slams and locks the door. I lift my head and study the room, huffing my tangled hair out of my face. The only light in the room is high over my head in a small window that I couldn’t fit my left buttock through.

Ugh!I shuffle up and struggle to stay upright as my head swims and the room tilts to the left before righting itself. I touch the top of my head and hiss out a breath when I touch a sensitive spot that throbs angrily.

Fucker hit me.

I step up to the sink and study my reflection, startled at how normal I look except for the matted, tangled hair. I’m still wearing Petrol’s shirt and nothing else since the blanket was yanked off of me when they put me down on the couch. I touch the shirt and tears sting my eyes and nose. I’d give anything to see Petrol right now. I lift the shirt to my nose and breathe in that scent that is uniquely him. Oil and pine and spices. So manly and comforting. Just the brief, light scent makes my spine stiffen.

Petrol wouldn’t let anyone push him into something he didn’t want to do. I’m going to take a page out of his book and tell those fuckers that there’s no way in hell I’m doing this. I don’t care if they hold me at gunpoint. Shoot me if you want.

But the only man I’ll ever marry is Petrol. He won’t ask me. He’s probably mad as hell at me. But there’s no other man for me.

With renewed conviction, I open the door and step into utter chaos.



“Who the fuck do you think you are, asshole?” I grin at the asshole asking the question but it’s not a happy grin. It’s anI can eat you for breakfast and I’m going to enjoy fucking you up grinand both men step back. Even the one with the gun on me. I snort. That little toy isn’t gonna stop me.

“Where the fuck is Addie?” I snarl at them, pacing closer and almost laughing when these two idiots look like they’re about to shit their pants.
