Page 42 of Madly Yours

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I decide not to do it just in case I'm wrong. Ma will kick my ass if I break either of their pea brains. They don't have brain cells to waste.

"I need your help in your office." Makenzie grabs my hand, practically dragging me out of the lobby.

"Fucking in the office isn't help, baby sister!" Gideon shouts after us. "It's precisely why you can't have coffee right now."

"Shut up! We're not having sex in the office!" she yells back, fighting a smile. She and my brothers get along incredibly well. They've treated her like part of the family since day one. I think they both decided they were keeping her the minute they saw how distraught she was over me getting shot. She pretends she hates it when they call her baby sister, but we both know how much it means to her. We all do.

I think Ma would shiv me for her. No lie. She absolutely adores my girl, and my girl feels the same way about my mom. They're thick as thieves. Which means I don't get away with anything. Makenzie will absolutely run to my mom to tattle just to see Ma giving me nine kinds of hell.

I drive her up the fucking wall intentionally some days, just so she can tell on me. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my wife happy. She deserves every fucking minute of it. I'll do whatever I have to do to give it to her. I'm shameless when it comes to her. I always have been, and I always will be.

Her mother isn't part of our lives. I put an end to that shit the first time she came to visit. Makenzie was a nervous wreck for an entire week leading up the visit. She couldn't sleep. She barely ate. I already disliked the woman, but the minute she opened her mouth and asked my wife if she'd gained weight, it was over with.

I don't owe respect to people who can't respect my wife. I don't give a fuck if the woman did give birth to her. It's the only thing she ever did right by my girl. I dropped her off at a hotel and told her she wasn't welcome in our home until she learned some fucking manners.

Makenzie doesn't miss her. I think she grieved her relationship with her mom a long time ago. She's happier without that annual visit hanging over her head. Now, Christmas is something she looks forward to, a time when she's surrounded by people who love her exactly the way she is.

Her life is full of people like that now. Not just me and my family, but Olive and Madden, and the friends she's made along the way. If people initially didn't know who to believe, they sided with her as soon as Lyle shot me. I think most were already inclined to believe her. She is who she is, and he was who he was.

He didn't survive prison. Surprisingly, he didn't die in a prison brawl, either. He choked to death in his cell on a can of sausages. The irony wasn't lost on me. It was precisely the way he deserved to go.

No one grieved him, and no one misses him?

But Makenzie? If anything were to happen to her, she'd leave a crater of devastation behind. My life doesn't work without her in it. She's the sun around which me and our twin boys revolve. I can't even fucking think about a life without her in it without wanting to rip my own damn skin off.

I need her to survive. It's really that simple. I need her.

She pulls me into the office, slamming the door behind her.

"If we aren't having sex in here, what the fuck are we doing, angel baby?" I ask, eyeing her curiously.

"I lied." She rips her shirt off over her head. "We're totally having sex in here. You owe me orgasms. It's the least you can do for knocking me up again." She glances at the clock hanging over my desk. "And you better hurry. I have to pick up the twins in thirty minutes."

"Call Emma and tell her you're going to be late."

"I'm not going to be late."

"Yeah, you are. Because we both know one orgasm isn't going to satisfy you." I work my belt free with one hand, my cock already hard. "If I give you one, you're going to want another. And if I give you two, you know damn well I'm going to keep going. Pick up the phone, angel baby."

"Fine," she huffs, spinning to grab it from my desk.

I strip her naked while she's dialing. Before Emma even answers, I've got my mouth on her. What? I left her mouth free so she could talk. That's all she needs for a phone call.

"Late!" she squeaks to our sister-in-law. "I'm going to be late!"

"Are you okay?"

"F-f-fine. I'm fine!"

I pry her cheeks apart, allowing me to get closer to heaven. Her head thumps against the desk.

"Oh, my God. I'm going to be so late!" She slams the phone down before Emma can say anything else, the waves of her first orgasm already breaking over her.

I smile against her folds and set to work.
