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“Does this conversation make you uncomfortable, Rhea?” Dr. Seville asked.

“No. Just kinda coming in hot here.”

“It’s a sore spot with her,” Paige said. “She’s the horny one, you see. I’m the tepid water in a stagnant pool.”

Dr. Seville arched her brows. Rhea thought she might die of embarrassment.

“I think the main reason we’re here,” Paige continued, “is because I don’t put out.”

“Why do you think that is?” the therapist asked while Rhea shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Has Rhea said this to you?”

“Oh, no, not directly. You can simply tell. We’ve talked about it before. It comes down to me being stressed out and getting older, I guess. Sometimes I forget how long it’s been since we last made love. Then she tells me, and I’m shocked. I think we’re becoming more sexually incompatible.”

“That’s a very common reason for couples to struggle. Would you like to start there with your couple’s therapy? Rhea?” The doctor’s attention was fully on her. “Are you okay?”

No, she was not okay. Rhea’s biggest insecurity had been ripped open right in front of the therapist she had only met ten minutes ago.That I ain’t good enough to have sex with anymore.

She wanted to claw off her face and climb up the wall. Instead, Rhea Mendez-Kennewick had to sit in a chair, next to a wife who so nonchalantly implied,“We’re growing apart because we don’t fuck enough.”

Somewhere, Rhea’s mother turned on the kitchen burner to help drown out the sounds of internal screaming.

While her wife took a bath, Paige looked over the paperwork the therapist had sent home with them at the end of their first consultation. Questionaries that both women were expected to fill out in private would be gone over in two weeks. Until then, Paige flipped over a piece of paper that offered several tiers of “rekindling the spark” of a dead bedroom.

Tier One – Injecting More Spontaneous Fun in Your Marriage

Paige wasn’t surprised by any of the suggestions.“Go somewhere together you’ve never been before.”That was obvious.“Set aside one night a week where you are each other’s sole focus of attention.”Sure, Paige could do that. Didn’t they do that already?“Engage in kissing and foreplay, but do not take it all the way – make yourselves wait and build anticipation.”That could be fun.“Separate for a night and instead engage in online flirtations and foreplay – texting, pictures, video.”That didn’t sound like Paige’s thing. She preferred the here and the tangible. Why else was she so insistent on being hands-on with her clients? The best bonds were made that way.

Dr. Seville had been adamant that they look at Tier One for now, but Paige was too curious to not peek at what Tiers Two and Three suggested. She balked at,“Have a complete physical assessment to address a sudden lack of sexual desires,”in Tier Two, but it was Tier Three that made her choke on her water.

“Engage in sexual roleplay.” “Attend an orgy.” “Consider kink and BDSM.”

Paige disengaged from the list after that. Her mind was still reeling when she decided to talk about it with Rhea, who always left the bathroom unlocked.

“Have you read thi-whoa.” Paige had walked in on her wife in the bathtub, all right – and that was her hand between her legs. “I’m… I’m sorry.” Paige didn’t know why she was apologizing. Not even when Rhea brought her hand out of the water and clamped her thighs together. Wet hair became slicker beneath the water running down her fingers. The look on her face implied she wasn’t having much fun, anyway.

“Yeah?” Rhea asked with a clipped voice. “Don’t suppose you came in to help me?”

Not with that attitude, I haven’t.“I’ve got my clothes on. Besides…” Paige chuckled. “Put a sock on the door next time you want to bealone.”

“Never said I had to be alone.”

“Yeah, well…” Paige was not in a romantic mood a few minutes ago, and she definitely wasn’t now. “I came in here to talk to you about what our new therapist sent us home with.”


Any other time, Paige was fine with sitting on the toilet when talking to her wife in the tub. Now? She’d uncomfortably lean against the sink, pretending that she wasn’t too awkward of a height to accomplish anything more than a bruised tailbone by the time she went to bed. “Have you looked at this?” Paige kept talking, although her wife was on another planet while she rubbed her eyes with wet fingers. “If you go up to Tier Three, shit getswild.”

“You’re not supposed to look at Tier Three yet.”

“Why would she send us home with the other tiers if she didn’t think we’d look?”

“All right.” Sighing, Rhea’s hand flopped back into the water with a pathetic splash. “What does Tier Three say?”

“That we should join an orgy,” Paige attempted to flippantly say. “Or have a threesome with a rando. Get into the kink scene. Fuck each other with motorized dildos for all I know.”


“You never watched those videos they made on our campus back in the day, huh?”
