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That caught Paige by surprise. “I wore shorts and a T-shirt on our first date.”

“You looked fabulous, like now.”

Paige didn’t have a moment to respond before Maya was grilling her about how she did her hair. For Jocie, that was the perfect opportunity to slide over toward her old friend and say, “I thought you two were going to get sucked into that vortex over there. I was gonna have to come over and extract you before you found yourselves swinging with some East Coast couple.”

Rhea’s throat immediately closed up. “Huh?”

“For the Lord’s sake, you didn’t notice that the guy wasthirstingafter Paige? To be fair, the wife was gunning for you. Guess you could’ve gotten it if you and Paige were into that.”

“I don’t… no, I did not pick up on that.”

Jocie rolled her eyes as if Rhea were fresh out of high school and naïve to the adult world. “I’d saythat’s hilarious,but I guess you don’t spend half your nights out with one of your girlfriends with random dudes hitting on you.”

“It’s been a long time since that’s happened. Anyway, Paige would never go for a guy like that. She’s never even been with a guy.”

“Really? I knew you hadn’t been, but not her.”

“Believe it or not, it’s one of the things we still have in common. A complete and utter lack of interest in men.”

Paige slammed back into Jocie when she attempted to stand up. “I think I might need my flats,” she announced when Jocie steadied her by the arm and grinned. “It’s been a devilishly long time since I last wore shoes like these. Can you guys tell?”

All Jocie – and Rhea – could tell went way beyond the shoes on Paige’s feet. As Jocie politely looked away, Paige’s wife experienced a torrential storm of lust and jealousy as she realized that the woman in the pink dress was not only lacking a bra beneath her dress… but that one of her breasts had fallen out when she took a dive.

She leaned in front of Paige while her wife fixed the wardrobe malfunction. Rhea didn’t care about her friends seeing it as much as she was wary of the strangers in the room – including men, and certain dominatrixes.

At least the night had not beenboringso far.

Chapter 8

OfallthethingsPaige expected from her night out on the town, accidentally flashing the club and having another woman’s husband hit on her were nowhere near the top of the list. At least not in the first twenty minutes of being in Hellfire.

Yet she took both in stride, even when Josh had leaned in and whispered something quite lewd right in front of his wife, who looked on with great interest until Rhea headed in their direction. Paige was not about to walk off with anyone, let alone someone who used flowery, almost literary language to describe what he would like to do to her with his genitals. Gym Paige would have clocked him right between the legs with her knee, but this was Hellfire, and she had no interest in causing drama over what people usually got up to there.

She didn’t tell Rhea. Nor did she share that tidbit with Jocie and Maya, both of whom quickly got tipsy and took to the large dancefloor to show each other what moves they had learned that month. Paige kept to one drink while Rhea braved a second for the first time in at least a year.Hope you can still hold your liquor because these are not watered down.Left to her own devices, Paige perused the main lounge and counted how many lower-level celebrities and corporate board members she recognized. After all, many of them were clients at her West Hollywood gym.

She may not be a regular at Hellfire, but she knew a thing or two about how it worked. For one thing, thebignames would not be there. Not anywhere within sight, anyway. The VIP area on the second level was where the big-wigs who wanted to be alone got their jollies while the middle class – which may or may not include vetted sex workers – partied in the main lounge or took their rendezvous to the back rooms. Jocie had suggested she could get them a semi-VIP table in the back if they wanted some quiet place to chat, but it came with the caveat that as the night went on… well, shenanigans might happen around them.

You’re talking to someone who turned in her prude card years ago.As soon as Paige realized she didn’t have to engage in sex with men, everything changed. Some of it for the better!

Yet she hoped to get interested in sex with someone else. Specifically, her wife.

She looks great tonight, doesn’t she?Rhea may not have been as fit as Paige, but she still cut that vest and those pants like she had something to prove. Paige caught more than one person checking out her wife, too, and there was something to the pride that gave a woman in a bright pink dress.

Paige had to be careful, though. She knew it wasn’t a good idea to put so much pressure on the night that she got too nervous to perform later that evening. She was her own worst enemy, sometimes. How often did the urge to have sex strike her, and she bungled it by the time she got home or ate the wrong thing for dinner? Used to be she could get in the mood in five minutes and go all night from the spark of inspiration. Now?Takes three days to get revved up, and it can be ruined in five seconds.

That was why she wanted to come to a sexually charged space. That was why Paige spent several hours getting ready, including paying such careful attention to her hair. That was why she purposely didn’t wear a bra, hoping the dress was tight enough to offer support and simply accepting the fact that people would see her nipples beneath the semi-sheer fabric. Honestly, she didn’t mind the stares or the surreptitious compliments filtering her way. Shelikedthe attention. At some point, she would have enough, but for now…

She hoped her wife appreciated it as well.

“How much product is in your hair?” she asked her wife, who returned with her second drink.

“How much product is inyourhair?”

Paige laughed. “You don’t want to know.”

“Right back at you.”

With their friends not likely to return from the dance floor anytime soon, Rhea and Paige walked hand-in-hand around the club, their interest piqued by the hidden corners, illuminated alcoves, and open stages sporting stripper poles and the kind of straps that made Rhea blush when she realized what they were for. Paige was less scandalized about it, but she realized that her wife had a much less exciting college life than what Paige regularly saw at frat and sorority parties.Except the people doing that here are probably waaaay safer than a couple of twenty-year-olds drinking from red Solo cups.
