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Ha! No.

“I think you guys fell into a very comfortable routine that benefitted you more than her.”

Paige’s jaw dropped.

“Don’t get mewrong,Paige. I’m not saying you did it on purpose, or that it didn’t probably feel natural to you guys, but Rhea has been begging to come out of her shell foryears.The kind of stories you’re telling me about what you read aren’t surprising to me at all. You’re talking to one of LA’s professional submissive wenches here.”

A manicured nail pointed directly at Jeanette’s face. Paige didn’t know whether she should laugh or respectfully nod. She was in the presence of greatness, after all. Wasn’t that why she called the only friend likely to understand what was going on with Rhea? If anything?

“If what you’re telling me about her writing is true,” Jeanette continued, “then think hard about a common thread through all of them. What was the main thing you noticed? Besides the kink.”

Paige hated to admit that shehadto think about it. After all, one thing did stand out – that thing that was inscrutably difficult to put into words when describing her own wife.

At least she lived with a writer. She knew a few terms.

“They were all from one point of view,” Paige said. “The one who was put into the reluctant position. None of what I read was from thedoerspoint-of-view.”

“Yesssss,” Jeanette said with a happy hiss. “That’s the shit right there.”

“Jean,” Paige said, “this isn’t supposed to be entertainment for you. Ahem.”

“Trust me, I’m paying attention.” Jeanette leaned against the counter, that nail tapping against her forehead. “I’m trying to lead you tomyconclusion about what naughty things you read in your own home.”

Paige withheld the sigh about to rip her in two. “So, they’re all from the same type of point-of-view. There’s a woman, usually young and naïve, having somethingveryinappropriate happen to her… or she puts herself in a situation that she doesn’t want to be in.”

“Go back to that mafia story,” Jeanette said. “When you first mentioned it, you said that the main character selling herself away was on the butchy side, right?”

“There were a lot of mentions about her more masculine dress and short hair, yes.”

“As far as you know, Rhea mostly likes femmes, yes?”


“Riiiight, and the mafia lady? What kind of woman was she?”

Jeanette looked ready to fill in the blank herself, but she impatiently waited for Paige to get with the program instead. “Very feminine. With blond hair and an ‘athletic body.’”

The natural silence between Jeanette and Paige was deafening.”

“Oh, my God!” Paige exclaimed. “That wasme!”

Jeanette politely clapped for her friend. “Excellent. We’re getting somewhere.”

“Are you implying thatRheawants to be the…”

“The bottom? Yes. Definitely.”

“You’re kidding. This whole time?”

“You’re the one married to her, Paige. You tell me.”

Except Paige was a bit busy having her mind blown at the moment. “This whole time we’ve been… I mean she has been… even before this year when we started…” She thought back on their whole marriage, not only the past few months full of experimentation and the exploration of being kinky.The whole thing.Even the first time they made love…

It had been natural, hadn’t it? Once they got going, Rhea took control.

Or is that what’s happening?They had joked for years that Paige was a power bottom.I’m the kind of pillow princess who makes things happen.Rhea had never been bothered by it. And just because people always pegged her as the top didn’t mean… did it?

Jeanette interrupted her thoughts. “You want my professional but biased opinion?” She tossed the wadded-up paper wrapper into her empty glass. “That woman dreams of you tearing her apart. Like, from the inside. Preferably through the…” Jeanette pointed between her legs. “Uh-huh. Yeah, that’s what she wants.”
