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Chapter One

It’s not every day that Andrea Dawson gets to kidnap three grown men, but she planned to execute the task like a badass heroine.

The oversized men’s black suit she wore hid all her feminine curves from sight. With her hair slicked back and the rest of her dark tresses rolled into a tight bun at her nape, all she needed to do was add a cap to complete her disguise… as a chauffeur… named Percival.

Oh, and she had a fake mustache and a pair of leather gloves to add as well.

As long as she kept her head bent low and spoke in a deep voice only when absolutely necessary, she could totally pull this entire thing off in a heartbeat. She gave herself one final look in the full-length mirror and nodded.

“They’re going to know.”

Andrea tossed her gaze over her shoulder and glanced at her best friend in the whole wide world, Lindsay Brenner, who was stuffing her boobs into a sexy Santa dress before she bent to pull up the zippers on her thigh-high boots.

Also in disguise, Lindsay hid her blonde hair under a dark-haired wig and used enough makeup to entirely change the way she normally looked. Andrea barely recognized her, and they grew up together.

Lindsay’s part of the plan involved a bag of Christmas sex games and… a sedative. Well, three sedatives, to be exact, because her part of their master plan involved three guys as well—her adopted brothers’ best friends.

She turned toward Lindsay. “None of the six of them will suspect a thing. Trust me. Everything is going to be okay."

Okay, so maybe Andrea didn’t have the best track record for predicting the future, mostly because she was usually the one juggling at least two bouts of trouble, usually a crazy dog, and writer’s block. But this time, it was Lindsay who needed help, and Andrea was up for the challenge.

“It better work, or I’m screwed."

“If we stick to the script, we can definitely pull this off and be home for Christmas lunch. Easy.”

“Right.” Lindsay nodded, but she seemed only half convinced.

“We got this, Linds. I promise.” Andrea wrapped her hands around her friend’s arms and shook her a little. “Those guys are not going to know what hit them. Seriously, there’s no way they’re going to be onto us. Our plan is foolproof.”

“It is,” Lindsay said with more enthusiasm now. “In and out. You kidnap my brothers and leave them in the cabin in the middle of the woods while I go and steal—”

“Temporarily steal,” Andrea added. “Because we’re going to put it back as soon as your brothers leave after the holidays and once we find someone who’ll be able to do an incomparable replicate.”

Lindsay nodded. “Right. Piece of cake,” she said, bobbing her head up and down.

“A walk in the park,” Andrea added.

“Like taking candy from a—" Lindsay stopped midsentence when her phone buzzed. She quickly glanced at it. “Oh, crap. It’s Courtney. She’s not going to leave me alone unless I answer.”


Courtney Freaking Watson.

“Hey Courtney, what’s up?” Lindsay said into her phone.

Andrea couldn’t help it. She immediately pretended she was gagging on air and finished it by pretend-barfing. Just the sound of Courtney Watson’s name sent Andrea off the rails.

“I’m so sorry, Courtney, something came up, and I won’t be able to make it,” Lindsay said, frowning hard at Andrea’s reaction.

If Andrea was Superwoman, Courtney was her kryptonite. If Andrea was water, Courtney would be oil. She was not Andrea’s cup of tea, or cup, or anything for that matter.

She would rather catch worms with her bare hands and eat them than talk to Courtney. She would rather be stung by a hundred bees in the same place than be in the same room as Courtney Freaking Watson.

To say she maybe disliked the other girl would be the understatement of the decade.

“Actually, I’m not sure Andrea would be able to make it,” Lindsay said after a moment of listening to the girl on the other side of the phone. “In fact, I know she won’t be able to come, so I wouldn’t bother calling her if I were you. I’m so sorry, but maybe next year. We’ll... I mean, I’ll definitely be at your pre-Christmas charity lunch next year, I promise. Talk soon.”

“Arg,” Andrea said when Lindsay disconnected.
