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“Nope. But I guess it just needs a firm hand and some juice. How hard can it be?”

Chapter Two

Shaking off her nerves, Andrea got ready to play the role of her life.

After adjusting the seat to fit her petite frame, she turned the key in the ignition and took off, with Lindsay clasping her hands together and mouthing silent prayers for her.

Andrea was grateful she didn’t have to reverse the vehicle out of the garage—that would have been a catastrophe on its own.

She nervously raised her hand to wave at Lindsay before she embarked up the driveway of the mansion. Once she hit the road, she kept looking in the rearview mirror to make sure the rest of the vehicle came with her when she made any turns.

It also didn’t help that quite a few cars angrily honked at her snail’s pace, forcing her to pick up the speed—well, just enough to get them off her back.


Once she got the hang of it, her confidence soared, but her thoughts started to drift…

to them.

Thembeing, Leo Atwood, Aaron Prett, and Micah Sewell—Lindsay’s three adopted brothers.

They were hardly aware Andrea existed, and they were more likely to give her nothing but a fleeting thought disguised as the driver picking them up from the airport.

With Christmas only a day away and Charles—Lindsay’s regular chauffeur—away with his family, it had been up to Andrea to pick them up from the airport and drive them to the prescribed destination. They did try to hire a driver from a few companies, but with the holidays and them being pressed for time, Andrea was the only choice.

Now all she had to do was chauffeur them to a cabin in the woods that the Brenners owned, leave them there until tomorrow before lunch, and then Lindsay, who would be back from her mission, would pick them up and blame the chauffeur—Andrea—for taking them to the wrong destination.

They’d struck gold when they were able to hire a fully stocked, luxury cabin for the night that was completely off the grid—so off the grid, there was no cell reception at all.A Christmas Away From Christmaswas the name of the cabin, and it couldn’t be more perfect.

Lindsay had informed her adopted brothers they were having an intimate Christmas Eve in a cozy, secluded cabin, just the six of them—Lindsay, her three adopted brothers, and her parents. Even more luckily, her parents' cruise was delayed, and they were out of reach for the time being, so Lindsay’s adopted brothers wouldn’t be able to talk to them and discover that shenanigans were afoot.

Lindsay’s parents had no idea about the Christmas Eve ruse at a cabin. Leo, Aaron, and Micah had no idea that her parent’s cruise was delayed by one day. All those little serendipitous details could not have worked out better if Andrea had scripted them herself.

All Andrea had to do was drop them off at the cabin and then leave. It was out of the way enough that cell reception was basically non-existent, and once Andrea drove off, they would essentially be stranded in a fully stocked, warm, and cozy cabin for the night, unable to reach anyone because their phones wouldn’t be working.

The plot was foolproof, and she had no trouble saying that herself.

As for the guys, they were definitely going to think what a weird-looking chauffeur and carry on with their lives because they knew Lindsay had to hire a driver out to collect them because Charles, who they knew, was on leave.

There was no way they’d recognize her in any form whatsoever. The last time she’d seen them had been three years ago. Last Christmas, Lindsay had been away with her family. The year before, Andrea and her family had been away, and the year before that, she’d seen them for all of two minutes during a joint Christmas lunch with the Dawsons and the Brenners.

After offering her a brief, curt greeting, they ignored her completely for the rest of the day, which had been totally fine with her. She certainly didn’t need the attention of three whole ass grumps to kill her festive vibe, not when she was wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater ever and for which she won a prize; she wasn’t modest enough not to admit.

Yeah, their surly, stoic, unapproachable, and master-grouch personalities were not for her. Nor were their symmetrical faces, structured jawlines, broad shoulders, and six-foot-three bodies her type either.

She preferred people who smiled and were flawed and imperfect, like her, and she was sure if Leo, Aaron, or Micah so much as turned up the corners of their mouths, they would crack the marble in their perfect faces.

Correction: She had seen them smile, just not at her. But whatever.

Before the brief two-minute interaction she’d had with them three years ago, she hardly saw much of them while growing up.

They were ten years older than Andrea’s and Lindsay’s twenty-four years of age and spent most all their time at boarding school and college. But to say Lindsay doted over her adopted brothers would be way too mild a way of putting it—she outright adored them to the moon and back, and that explained the reason for their temerarious plan because Lindsay couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing them even though it had been nothing but an accident.

As she neared the airport, her heart started to thud obscenely loud in her ears while her body quivered under the suit. She turned up the heat, but that wasn’t the problem—the limo was warm enough.

It surprised her that they were taking regular flights like regular people when they were, in fact, complete billionaires with multiple private jets between them.

While their adopted dad, Lindsay’s father, was a millionaire in his own right, owning a clothing manufacturing company, Leo, Aaron, and Micah had made their way up to billionaire status. They were smart, inventive, and gorgeous—shemeantgifted—and it wasn’t long before they took the electronics world by storm. They also ran The Brenner Brand, Lindsay’s dad’s clothing manufacturing company, because Mr. Brenner had retired, but they were only doing it because the company belonged to Lindsay, and since she had no inclination to sit on the board, she was happy with her growing trust fund.
