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For blinding moments, all they could think about was what she would feel like around their thick, long cocks. And when they glanced at each other, and it became obvious they were thinking the same thing, that thought morphed into the three of them sharing her all at once.

Slowly stretching her gorgeous body until she could take all three of them so deeply inside her ass and her pussy they’d brand her for life; her body would only know them. They could almost hear her sweet whimpers and desperate gasps as she opened up for them, as if they were making her theirs at that very moment.

They didn’t need much proof to know she was still a virgin; the certainty of her innocence came instinctively to them. No man had touched her before, and now they were going to be the only men who would do so.


She more than destroyed them that day; she ruined them, decimated them, and changed who they thought they were. And fuck, she made them celibate for three years, because no other woman would do.

She was their nucleus and their home. Their light and soul.

Except she was their little sister’s friend, and somewhere along the line, that meant she was off-fucking-limits to them.

They’d earned the right to take what they wanted; no questions answered. Power was their life source, but she was Lindsay’s best friend, and they kept having to remind themselves.

They had no idea what to do about her since taking her because they wanted her no longer applied—she was their little sister’s best friend. And so they decided to stay away from her and avoid her at all costs until they could figure out what the fuck to do about her.

Three years later, all they did was avoid her because tainting their little sister’s best friend, ten years younger than them, with their hands and mouths, and cocks was too complicated.

She was not supposed to be the woman they all three wanted with such voraciousness that it scared them. She was too young, and what they wanted to do to her was too obscene, too vulgar, and too fucking depraved for an innocent like her.

So much for avoiding Andrea Dawson because they didn’t think their control would hold out enough for them not to react to every dark and deviant thing that ran through their minds every single night since falling for her three years ago.

But now she was right in front of them. Disguised as a chauffeur, she was clearly convinced she would be able to fool them into thinking she was indeed a chauffeur called Percival.

While the ill-fitting suit did a good job hiding her curves, they saw right through her disguise immediately. That mustache and the cap that concealed her long, dark tresses were just not enough to trick them into believing that beneath those fake items wasn’t a pair of lush, supple lips and chocolate-dark glossy hair.

There was no way she was ever going to fool them. Fuck no. This was the woman whose body they had memorized, whose perfume they could pick out in a heartbeat, whose presence alone made their cocks hard, fake mustache or not.

But what the fuck was she doing, disguised as a chauffeur of all things, there to pick them up from the airport?

Leo glanced at the men on either side of him. Despite coming from different families, they’d landed up in the same foster home and formed a bond tighter than if they were brothers. Then they were lucky enough to get adopted by Roger and Becca Brenner when they were six years old.

Lindsay was born when they turned ten, and there was nothing on earth they wouldn’t do for her. They loved her fiercely and put theoverin over-protective.

There were only three other men in the world they trusted with Lindsay’s life besides their adopted father, and those men were Shaw Farley, Chris Olson, and Rhys Morgan.

They’d bonded over similar childhood circumstances at the foster home and stayed connected when Shaw, Chris, and Rhys were also adopted into a well-off family.

And while Leo, Aaron, and Micah chose to take the corporate world by storm, Shaw, Chris, and Rhys became regular billionaire cowboys after taking over their adopted family’s ranch.

The bond between the six of them was further strengthened when they spent seven grueling years in the military under the command of a drill sergeant whose sole purpose had been to see them fail. But that was another story.

For now, all that mattered was why Lindsay’s best friend was pretending to be a chauffeur.

They’d also bet all their money that the two young women—because surely Lindsay was involved in this too—were up to something.

They’d done everything in their power to stay away from her, but this changed things. She came to them, and they weren’t going to let her go.

Now not. There was no more waiting and avoiding her. She stepped into the lair , and they were the kind of apex predators who mated for life—she just didn’t know it yet.

Fuck. The thought that they were finally going to take her set their hearts thundering and their blood on fire for her.

Andrea Dawson was officially going to be theirs.

But they all three were too curious to know what their little sister and her best friend were up to.

Leo found himself grinning, though, if only for a second, as he wondered what their master plan entailed.
