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Oh yeah, they were definitely going to go along with their scheme.

And then they were taking her.

Giving no hint that they recognized her, they did a good job pretending to be completely uninterested in her. But she was such a bad actress that even Leo himself had to keep another rare grin from spreading across his mouth.

Also, stopping themselves from offering to drive the limo for her would go down as one of the hardest things they’d ever had to do. At least there was no risk of them dying from a high-speed crash. But the angry stares, the middle fingers, and the furious honking from the other drivers were somehow worse as she stalled and stuttered her way through traffic.

What was she up to?

Lindsay had informed them of a change of plans for Christmas Eve. They were all meeting up at a cabin for some quality family time before their usual Christmas lunch the next day, which involved extended guests.

What Lindsay didn’t know was that they knew the parents had their cruise delayed, and they were only arriving the morning of Christmas. And they also knew that Lindsay was well aware of her parents' delay.

That just made things even more suspicious.

Very intriguing.

After finally navigating her way out, Andrea slipped out of the city, heading for the outskirts. To the mountains.

Didn’t she know that the further away from civilization she took them, the less chance there was of someone hearing her sweet screams when they took her virginity?

Chapter Four

So far, so good.

Okay, that might depend on who was asking the question, but as far as Andrea was concerned, it could have been worse. So she struggled her way through traffic for a bit, so what? And maybe at seeing them, she got so tongue-tied she couldn’t find her fake man’s voice to deliver her name to them, so instead she pointed to the name tag pinned to her jacket and asked them to read it instead. Again, no big deal.

The most important thing was that they were so oblivious, working on their laptops in the back of the limousine, that they paid her zero attention.

Now all she had to do was drop them off at the cabin, leave the Christmas bag with board games to occupy themselves with them, and leave, thereby stranding them until Lindsay was scheduled to pick them up the next day.

Easy peasy.

She couldn’t help a smile from forming on her face. She wasthisclose to pulling off her part of their grandiose mission without so much as a hiccup.

She also managed to put behind her the extraordinary effects they had on her from one single glance at them, which had obliterated all common sense for her for one mad moment.

Leo, by far the grouchiest of the grumpy lot, had the most dark and dominant eyes she had ever seen before. Even one infinitesimal glance from him and shivers fluttered down her spine and spread under her skin.

Aaron’s eyes glinted with such smoldering, seductive fire that she worried she would immediately combust on sight in his presence if he merely looked her way.

Micah’s gaze gleamed with a dangerous charm that took her breath away and made her lower her head like a shy teen meeting her rockstar idol for the first time.

Yes, but she had also been smart enough to tell that crazy wanton part of her to immediately shut up and sit down. There was no entertaining such thoughts when she was in deep covert operation mode.


She pulled up to the front of the cabin, which looked like a gingerbread house decorated with Christmas lights. A fire would have already been started, per the owner, with hot chocolate waiting for them and a stew kept warm in the oven.

As soon as she parked the limo—well, parked gave the impression of some sort of skill involved, and that wasn’t the case—she just came to an abrupt halt as soon as the cabin came into view.

A blast of snow hit her hard as she stepped out of the vehicle. She had to act quickly, or the fake mustache on her lip was going to fly from all her quivering.

Hurriedly, she opened the back doors of the limo for them and didn’t wait around for them to alight the vehicle before she sprinted to the brightly red-varnished door of the enchanting cabin. Once she got them inside, she’d collect their luggage, leave it in the mudroom, hopefully while they were exploring their surroundings, and turn the limo into a getaway car.

So close.

She opened the door and had to bite her lip to stop herself from hurrying them inside. It was damn cold, and they may have looked like freaking models in their bespoke suits and coats, with a dusting of snow on their dark heads of hair. While she was shivering her panties off.
