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“My name is Percival,” she said as gruffly as she could. She aimed to fight this until her last breath.

“Your name is Andrea Dawson. Give it up, Andrea. We knew who you were the moment we saw you at the airport.”

“I don’t know who this Andrea is, you speak off. My name is—”

Aaron came toward her. She was still suffering from the effects of Micah’s cologne on her clothes, and Aaron’s just quadrupled her body’s stress. He reached out and ripped the mustache off her lip, making her wince, and then he unpinned her hair.

Crap. She was screwed.

Released from the tight confines of the pins, thanks to Aaron, her hair tumbled down her back, and some of it framed her face.

"Now, do you care to explain why you brought us here?”

Think fast.

Andrea quickly rehashed their master plan in her head, with an emphasis on the objective. That objective was to keep Lindsay’s brothers trapped in a cabin until she could replace what she broke of theirs by stealing a replica that their friends had.

Leo, Aaron, and Micah could not leave the cabin.

They knew who she was.

That meant they would want to leave immediately. And the only way they could do that was with the limo.Even if she told them the rest of the world was coming to an end, and she was saving them by bringing them here, they would still want to leave. Nothing on earth would keep them in the cabin and once they got to the Brenner mansion they would immediately know what Lindsay had done. And that was bad. Very bad.

That left Andrea with only one choice now that her cover was blown, and she couldn’t just drive away in the limo and leave them there. She was just not fast enough even if she tried. She ran her fingers over the fob, which she still clutched tightly in her hand.

She didn’t give herself a moment to rethink her actions. It was the only way, and it had to be done.

She raised her hand and flung the fob into the fire.

Oh shit. Things just got a bit too real for her now.

Not only was she going to succeed in keeping them stranded until Lindsay arrived tomorrow morning to collect them…

but she also stranded herself with them now.

Three ridiculously good-looking men who just corrupted her thoughts and her body whenever she was near them. They were also her best friend’s brothers, and she was so inconsequential to them that she could be the very wall they would skip where the proverbial paint went to dry.

…stranded with them for one whole night, and the weather was seemingly taking a turn for the worse outside.

It’s fine.

She was fine.

All she had to do was improvise and lie through her teeth as she came up with a rational excuse for her irrational behavior.

It was going to be fine.

“Lindsay, you have to come now,”she chanted repeatedly in her head, hoping her words would telepathically reach her friend.

After a few moments of them staring at her and her at them and Lindsay not rushing through the door to save her, Andrea had to metaphorically roll up her sleeves and handle the situation herself.

Right. After four published books and countless manuscripts that would never see the light of day, she had written herself into some splendidly outlandish plot holes and still found a way to claw herself out.

Besides, what was the big deal anyway? She wasn’t their type. They preferred the kind of girl who could be a supermodel in her spare time, with her perfect ears and her perfect pinkie fingers and elbows… puke.

That did the trick, as usual.
