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So, there was a change of plans; she was the queen of backup plans.

All she had to do was entertain them until they passed out, and then Lindsay would be there to pick them up again.

Everything was back on track.

Chapter Six

“Okay, so I know this might look a little strange, but, umm, I have a perfectly good explanation for all this.” She waved her hands around to encompass her chauffeur, the cabin, and the three of them.

“Start at the beginning.” Leo folded his arms across his chest, and the fabric of his shirt pulled taut against his magnificent biceps. Her gaze quickly shifted to Aaron, who had slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit pants, which only drew her attention to the sheer masculine power in his long legs. She swiftly turned her gaze away from him and landed on Micah, who was currently stroking his jaw with his long, calloused fingers.

Her body erupted into spontaneous flames. Her nipples started to ache, and so did her clit.

She needed to get a grip, or she was going to fall apart at their feet.




Yet again, thinking of Courtney iced the blood in her veins and fortified her against them.

They wanted Courtney; well, they could have her.

“Well?” Micah prompted, his fingers roaming down the length of his jaw before he licked his lip unconsciously and then brushed his thumb over the dampness. She followed every tiny movement he made, unable to look away until he raised his eyebrow at her, causing her to strain her brain to remember their question.

“I mean, there is no beginning, really. It’s a festive prank that Lindsay and I came up with. We were going to leave you here in the cabin overnight, and then Lindsay was going to pick you up tomorrow. Just a silly little prank, that’s all.”

“I see. But how does that explain you throwing the limo’s fob into the fire?” Aaron asked, his tone conversational, his gaze drawing her in and then drowning her in his sensual aura.

“That? The fob thing and the fire? Well…”


“That was a mistake. I’m so klutzy; ask Lindsay, she’ll tell you Graceless is my middle name. I trip over air, and I’m so uncoordinated. I actually wanted to throw the fob... onto the mantle above the fireplace, and I have really bad aim, and well, now we’re stranded here until Lindsay picks us up in roughly…” She glanced at an old wall clock. “Twenty-one hours.”

“I’ll go and get our luggage before we get snowed in,” Aaron said.

Whew. It was just as well she hadn’t locked the vehicle before she melted the electronic key. There were some silver linings, at least.

“You want to try that again?” Leo asked. It wasn’t a question. It was a demand for the truth.

“Okay, this is the real story. Lindsay decided—and you know how she gets when she has an idea—well, she decided that I’m her best friend and you’re her favorite… Her only brothers and we hardly know each other, and she thought this was a great way for us to get to know each other before the big Christmas lunch tomorrow. I even brought a Christmas bag of games we could play to pass the time. Aaron will see the bag when he gets your luggage.”

At the same moment, Aaron rushed back into the living area with three exorbitantly expensive leather duffel bags and a big red velvet Santa bag.

“See? We can play Monopoly, Scrabble, or Pictionary. It’ll be so much fun. And the cabin is fully stocked, and we’ll get to know each other a little more, and everything will be fine.”

Okay, but this reason might actually work… if they could only just buy it.

But then her eyes landed on a smaller red Santa stocking.

Or fuck her sideways into next year already. That bag wasn’t supposed to leave the limo. It was meant to go home with her. It was her research kit as she contemplated changing writing genres. They were not meant to touch it.

No. Nope. Noooo.

They could never know what was inside.
