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“Hello.” My sister’s voice breaks me from my thoughts.

“Hey, it’s me.” I don’t know why, but I have the sudden urge to cry.

“What’s wrong?” She can tell from my tone I’m upset.

“Is that Bianca?” I hear Carina in the background. “Put it on speaker. I’ve got questions.”

“Ah, I think maybe I should talk to her alone,” Angelica tells her.

“I bet my ass she’s calling about the Butcher, and I know him better than both of you,” she responds.

“No she doesn’t. Does she know what he sounds like when he…” I trail off before I saycum.

“Oh my God!” They both say. Angelica had already put the phone on speaker.

“You had sex with the Butcher? In my mind, I’d think he’d be a rough lover, but from what I’m hearing from Angelica and Antonio, he’s a kitten with you.”

“We’re not having sex,” I growl into the phone.

“You sound really mad about this,” Carina says.

“How would you feel if you wanted to have sex with a man and he didn’t want to have it with you?” The line goes quiet. “Hello?”

“There must be a reason. Give us the soft details,” my sister finally responds.

“Soft.” Carina snorts.

I tell them as much as I’m willing to admit without crossing a line that is too personal for Fernando and me.

“Then he just stopped when he was already a little inside of you?” Angelica asks, but I know she’s thinking it over.

“He doesn’t want to hurt her. A girl’s first time can be painful. Or so I hear.” Carina sounds irritated. I guess I’m not the only one wanting to get laid here. But that’s not what I really want. I want Fernando to make love to me. I want this deep connection with him that we’ll only ever have with each other.

“So he’s never going to have sex with me? Great,” I huff, dropping on the bed.

“You could do it yourself,” Carina suggests.

“What do you mean?”

“Pop your own cherry?”

“I can do that?” I sit back up. “Like how?”

“I don’t know if you’re a good influence or a bad one, Carina.” My sister laughs.

“Just let me look.”

“At my vagina? This phone doesn’t have FaceTime. It’s one of those older ones.” They both burst into laughter.

“No, dork. I’m googling it. I think I’m going to like your sister. I wasn’t sure with the whole being into the Butcher thing. I thought she’d be emo or something.”

“You know I can hear you, right?”

“Yeah, I know how phones work.”

Angelica sighs. “You’ll learn quickly that my sister-in-law is a smartass.”

I think I might like her too.
