Page 12 of Guarding Adelaide

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Wow. Tall. Dark. Handsome. He carried himself like a man who knew wealth and proper etiquette. He had a confidence that thrilled her. And, when their hands touched, she felt a current run up her arm.

Henry nodded. "Last night we met up with Senator Jackson, as you know. Or, at least you notified us of his location. A red-headed man entered the bar as we spoke with the senator and he got weirded out. Then he got a phone call that sent him out of the bar. I followed him and he mumbled something about Wade. I believe he said, "At least Wade knows." We began searching for Wades in Washington, focusing on those associated in high places."

Rafe nodded and she stared. His profile was classic. His skin was flawless. Though he wore a suit jacket, the muscles in his arms filled his jacket out perfectly.

"Based on your search and ability to locate his whereabouts, I've asked him to go dark."

Addy tilted her head. "Is he in trouble?"

"I don't know."

"Why would he need to go dark just because we searched for him?"

He turned and locked eyes with her. She felt a thrill as she stared into his eyes. Dark brown, clear, and framed by a thick set of lashes. But, mostly, they didn't look away from her. "The geo pins I have on Mr. Evans are colored. Your search is one color. But there was another color also searching for him last night. That one I couldn't pinpoint. As soon as they found him, they jumped out before my software could hold the position. Which worries me they may have an idea that I have geo pins. Or, they had a bad connection. Or, it could be any number of reasons, but others are looking for him."

Myles leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. "Any idea who might be trying to locate him?"

"No. Do you?"

"Not yet. Any idea where the senator is now?"

Rafe pulled his phone from his trouser pocket and tapped a few times. His fingers were strong and sure as he texted.

“I’ll know in a few minutes.”

Addy watched him closely. "What about Casper? Has he also gone dark?"

Rafe moved deliberately. He sat straight and once again, looked her in the eye. "I believe he has also gone dark."

"But you aren't sure?"

"I'm sure. He is also being cautious."

She sat forward slightly. "Are the two instances related?"

Rafe sat back in his chair. He attempted to look casual, but she saw the twitch in his lips when she'd asked the question. "Yes. The two situations are related."

Addy turned to Myles. They communicated silently as only long-time teammates, and cousins can do. Myles then asked. "Our mission here is to find out what Senator Jackson has on president-elect King. We were told Casper was made privy to this information but we weren't told that your boss, Wade Evans, was also made privy to it. How many others know about this information and where do we stand in all of this?"

Rafe's head swiveled to Myles. "It's my understanding that the only people who are aware of the dirt on the president-elect are, Senator Jackson, my boss Wade Evans, Casper, myself, and of course, you. Of course, it does seem, based on the senator's paranoia, there may be others who know he's been talking. His own behavior of late would also give that away, since he's been spitting and sputtering all over town about being stabbed in the back and more."

Rafe's phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen. "Senator Jackson is at home. The television is on and as of ten minutes ago, he let his dog out."

Addy nodded. "Is the senator married? Are there children at home?"

"He's married but I understand his wife left a few weeks ago and hasn't returned. They have two teenage children who are also with Mrs. Jackson."

Henry inhaled a deep breath. "We'll go and speak to the senator and find out what we can. Last night he was drunk and paranoid. In the meantime, please keep us apprised of any new information."

Rafe stood. "I must remind you that this is sensitive and confidential. You must not be found out. I have people watching the senator, but if anyone knows he's been telling tales, tall or not, they'll be watching him too."

Addy held her hand out to shake Rafe's. It was a way to dismiss him, and yet be professional and polite. But, she wanted to see if that same feeling came over her again when their hands met.

He wrapped her hand in his. His fingers squeezed around her hand, and her arm sizzled all the way up to her shoulder and down to her core. She saw him swallow. He felt it too.

"Thank you for coming, Rafe. We'll let you know what we find out from the senator."
