Page 14 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Geez." Brett mumbled. "Then what am I supposed to do? I don't have time. I'm fucking up to my eyeballs in work and took my lunch hour to shop today."

"How about you buy her a gift certificate to a fancy store and put it in a box of her favorite candy."

"That's why I called you."

Rafe chuckled. "For the record, you could have called Brooke about the girly stuff."

"I'm not talking to our sister about women's underwear and sizes."

Rafe burst out laughing. "Fair enough. Besides being up to your eyeballs in work, how are you doing?"

"I'm good." He heard mumbling. "I got a call from Dad yesterday."

Rafe's spine stiffened. "What did he want? Money?"

"Yep. I told him to stick it up his ass. He’s scheming some new business venture."

"That's what I would have done too."

"Hey bro, I've got to go. I'm checking out and can't juggle my phone and my wallet. I'll call you later today or tonight."

"I look forward to it."

He disconnected the call and stared at his computer. His mind instantly went to Adelaide Masters. He'd been correct before when he thought she was beautiful. In person, she was stunning. And smart. Maybe too smart. They were beginning to put things together. But, this was no ordinary situation and they needed GHOST's help.

His cellphone chimed. He pulled it up and glanced at the screen. It was one of his guys watching the senator. "What's going on?"

"I think there's trouble."

"What makes you think that?"

"I saw a man walk up the sidewalk and knock on the door. The door opened a crack and the man pushed the door open harder and let himself in."

"How long ago?"

"It happened about five minutes ago. I've been watching but I don't see anything going on."

"What kind of vehicle did the man come in?"

"No vehicle in sight. He walked up the sidewalk. There isn't a vehicle on the street in sight."

"Shit." Rafe rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Go up to the house and listen for anything. Even knock on the door and ask for the senator. Keep me on the phone."

He listened to his man's footsteps. The boots he obviously wore made a thumping sound on the pavement. He could hear the knocking. His heart began racing as he listened. That man wasn't from GHOST, he'd bet that much. They were much better than that. If they went in, they wouldn't be seen. The doorbell sounded and his man yelled, "Hello. Senator?"

Silence was all that came back. His man then spoke through the phone. "No one is answering."

"Are you sure you didn't see the man come out?"

"I'm sure. I waited after I saw him push his way in."

"Stay put. I'm calling someone to check on things. Stay out of sight."

"Will do."

Rafe tapped Adelaide's number and listened to the rings. Before the second one, she answered. "Hi, Rafe."

"Hi, Addy. I have a man watching the senator's house. He said a man walked to the front door and knocked. The senator cracked the door open, and the man pushed his way in and hasn't come out. I had my man knock and ring the doorbell, but no one answered."
