Page 17 of Guarding Adelaide

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Myles immediately hustled up the stairs.

"Okay. We're here now and we'll protect you." She looked for a pair of scissors and cut the t-shirt the senator wore above the bullet wound and down the back.

"No exit wound. I can't get the bullet out with a first aid kit. We'll have to get you to a doctor."

"A doctor will call him. He has the entire city at his beck and call. If I don't turn up dead, he'll have everyone out looking for me."

Addy glanced at Henry then worked on cleaning up the senator. It wasn't bad, as far as bullet wounds go. Sadly, she'd seen a lot of these in the military. She spoke to her teammates as she cleaned the senator up. "Small caliber. Little damage to the entrance."

Henry tapped his phone and exited the room. She could hear him talking to Tate as she bandaged the senator. When Henry ended his call, she asked, "Did your parents establish a doctor in town that would help in case of an emergency?"

"I'll call Dad."


Rafe dialed the Alexandria police department.

"Alexandria PD, how may I direct your call?"

"Officer Derek Mayes please."

"One moment."

Some form of scratchy music blared through his phone and he pulled it away from his ear.

"Officer Mayes."

He straightened in his chair. "Officer Mayes, this is Rafe Martin. We spoke yesterday at the Alexandria gym after the explosion."

"Yes, Mr. Martin. I know I owe you a call, but we've been chasing down leads and working the investigation."

"I understand. That's why I'm calling. I had one of our sketch artists here at the DoD complete a rendering of a man I saw leaving the locker room yesterday just seconds before the explosion. I got a vibe from him when he left. The way he looked at me seemed as if I'd startled him. My locker had scratches on it as if someone had tried to get into it. I was chasing him down when the explosion happened."

"I'll need verification of the artist and authenticity."

"I've got that. I'll email it all over to you. I also ran this man through our facial recognition and Jensen Gable is his name. His rap sheet is long, but it's all mostly petty crime stuff. Burglary, property damage, B&E, and more. If he isn't on your suspect list, he should be."

There was silence on the other end of the line and for a split second, Rafe wondered if he'd hung up. "Okay Mr. Martin. Why don't you send over what you've found and I'll take a look."

He heard paper shuffling and a chair scrape the floor. "Mr. Martin, Jensen Gable is not on my suspect list.

"Will do. Give me your email address and I'll send it right now.

Rafe sent the email to the detective and checked his cell phone to see if he'd missed a call while talking to the detective. He knew he hadn't, but waiting was impossible sometimes.

He stood abruptly intending to pace his office once again when his phone rang.

"Adelaide. What have you found?"

"We have the senator, we're at his house. He's been shot. It's not life-threatening, but painful. From what I can tell the bullet entered near the clavicle. There's no exit, so I can't tell much, and don't have the proper medical equipment here to extract the bullet. We need a doctor. One that won't say anything to King or anyone else. The senator is convinced King has everyone in his pocket these days. Henry checked with his dad, they don’t have a doctor here they can trust."

Rafe sat with a thud and closed his eyes. "I'll need to do a bit of checking. I'll call you in five minutes. Don't go anywhere until then."

"Roger." Then silence.

His pulse quickened as he logged into the secret server. If someone got to the senator in broad daylight, they weren't afraid of getting caught. According to his man, the assailant walked right up the street. He'd have to see if his man could describe him to the sketch artist.

Rafe's fingers deftly flew over the keys, the only thing slowing him was waiting for his computer to catch up and locate what he was looking for. They had people in place for everything. Over time they found it necessary. It wasn't only King and his ilk. Every powerful politician in this city was dirty in some way. They all had moles and people who needed a favor or owed a favor. Casper had decided to start their own network years ago, before his time here, to protect their assets and the job they did, so that no one else knew what they were doing.
