Page 28 of Guarding Adelaide

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"That's sad. But I give you credit for knowing that and getting out."

He thought about her words and let them sink in. She gave him credit. That was something to ponder.

"What about you? Why did you join the military? You have a great family."

She grinned and it was stunning. "I do have a great family. And a great extended family. But, if I wanted to work for GHOST, I needed to have military training."

"You didn't want to be a doctor?"

"No. I split the difference by going into the medical corps and becoming a medic. But working in a clinic or hospital every day all day long is too boring and sedentary for me."

A laugh burst from his belly. "I know a few doctors who work ER and Triage. They'd laugh in your face if they heard you say that. It's anything but boring and sedentary."

She chuckled. "I'll rephrase my words. I like being in the action. I like going off to different areas and saving people. I like that life."

Something hot built in the pit of his stomach at those words. She wouldn't be staying put at all. He'd finally met someone who intrigued him in the most interesting ways and she would be leaving when this mission was over.

He turned off the highway and onto a frontage road. The frontage road took them three miles down to a narrow lane then the navigation system announced, "You have arrived at your destination."

Addy tapped on her phone then instructed, "Keep going. At the clump of oak trees, you're to take a right on a narrow lane."

Slowly driving the SUV down the lane, he grimaced when the tree and shrub branches scraped the side of the vehicle. There'd be scratches for certain by the sound of the scraping. The lane was rutted and bumpy. It didn't look as though anyone had been down it in a long time.

"Okay, there's the oaks. Turn right."

He navigated the SUV to the right, the lane narrowed considerably and the scrapes on the side of the vehicle grew louder.

"This vehicle is going to be messed up for sure."

"We'll pay for it."

He let it go. It didn't need a response. But, he mused that she was used to this sort of thing happening and knew they'd make it right.

"Okay. There's a pile of firewood stacked to the left up ahead. We're to turn left after the woodpile and park on the west side of the cabin."

"Is it smart to have the senator out here in the boonies?"

"Where should we keep him, in the middle of the freeway?"

"Of course not. But out here there isn't assistance if you need it."

She pointed out of the windshield. "There's my assistance."

Myles and Henry stood on the porch of the little cabin. They made it look far too small. Henry was big like his dad and he commanded attention when he stood like he was now. Arms crossed, which made them look massive. And that scowl he wore would scare away most people. He was a sharp contrast to the visage he bore. He was actually a great guy.

He stopped the vehicle and put it in park.

"Rafe, turn it around and back it into the spot. Easier for a getaway if we need it."

He did as he was instructed, a bit irritated with himself for not thinking of it himself. It had been so long since he'd done anything like this. His military career led him into the law and the law of politics, not personal protection and surveillance. He hired people for that now.

As soon as he shut off the SUV, Addy jumped out without waiting for him to open the door for her and strode to Myles and Henry. He watched her confident stride, her straight back and small frame, and he was impressed all over again.


She approached Myles and Henry. "What happened?"

Myles watched Rafe stride toward them as he explained. "I saw a car pull into the lot at the motel. It stopped behind the senator's car and waited. I stepped inside and warned Henry trouble may be coming. We watched from the window as the man walked around looking in windows of the motel. Then he began trying to open doors. We got the senator up and ready to run. I walked down to the man and asked him what he was looking for. Words were said. A bit of shoving ensued. Then he got a fist in his face and took off. I had Tate run his plate and it was the vehicle that apparently followed you earlier."
