Page 29 of Guarding Adelaide

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"How did he know to come here to the motel?"

"Great question."

Myles still stared at Rafe. Henry uncrossed his arms and took a deep breath.

"Where's the senator?"

Henry's thumb pointed over his shoulder. "He's sleeping. He's sore. And, between us, he's a baby. He huffs and puffs and moans more than anyone I know. You'd think he'd be grateful we're saving his ass."

Addy grinned. "I'm going to take a wild guess on this one and say this is way out of his realm."

Henry chuckled.

Myles addressed Rafe. "Are you here to help us or to keep track of us."

The hair stood on Addy's arms at Myles' tone.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Rafe spoke first.

"I'm here to help you."

"In what way?"

Rafe stood to his full height and faced Myles head on. "I'll remind you I'm military trained. I may be an attorney now, but I've been with the DoD for years. I train regularly, I shoot, and for the record, of the four of us, I'm the only one who knows all the players and what's happening here."

Myles' lips twitched at the corner. "That so? Then what is it the senator has on King?"

Rafe pointed to the bag slung over her shoulder. "Why don't we go in and find out."

It was time to end this posturing. She ascended the two steps to the porch where Myles and Henry stood, gave Myles the evil eye as she passed, then stepped into the cabin. Three pairs of feet followed her into the small space.

Her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Perusing the inside she noted four doors that led from this main living room. Henry moved toward her and pointed to the doors.

"That one is a bedroom and where the senator is sleeping. The one to the left of it is another bedroom. It has two queen beds inside. So does the senator’s. The third door on that wall is a smaller bedroom with one bed inside. The last door over to the far right, is a bathroom. The kitchen is to the right and has most of what we'll need for a few days."

"Okay." She took it all in, noted their laptops on the table to the right of the living area, just in front of the kitchen and nodded. "Let's pull this stuff from the box Rafe and I recovered from the senator's house and see what we have. We need to assess a few things. First of all, how damning is this information? Second, if it's as bad as the senator thinks, where are we going to take him to secure him. We can't stay here long. Third, how is he being tracked? Did you search his car for tracking?"

Myles moved toward the table and sat in one of the chairs. "I scanned it. Nothing found."

Addy nodded. "Okay. So, we have to figure out how they are tracking him."

Her phone rang and she answered quickly. "Masters."

"It is Catalina. There are men trying to get into the house."

"Have you called the police and are you safe?"

"Yes. I called. I'm in the safe room. But I'm scared."

"I'll see if I can find someone to get there faster. Stay in the safe room."


Addy stepped toward Myles. "Call Tate and get Capital Police to the Bowman home. Catalina is in the safe room scared. Someone's trying to break in."

Myles pulled his phone up and called Tate. Turning to Henry, she said, "We need to find out who's there. The senator was never at the Bowman home, so how would anyone know to go there?"

"I'm on it." He started toward his computer and stopped. "Maybe I should go back to the house. I'll run trackers on everything. First, I'll run a tracker on our rental to make sure it's not being tracked. It was in the garage at the house."
