Page 36 of Guarding Adelaide

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The senator pushed himself to the edge of his seat. He'd stopped whining and mumbling. She took that as a good sign.

Addy turned to Myles, who'd just packed up the laptop and camera as she gave orders. "Ready?"


He'd pulled a dark hoodie over his t-shirt. She nabbed her dark hoodie off the back of the chair at the table and slipped it over her head. She reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a second magazine, tossed it to Myles, then pulled up another one for herself and tucked it in her back pocket.

Gripping her gun once more she looked to Rafe. She strode to the back door and peered outside through the glass top, saw no movement, then slowly opened it up, grateful it didn't squeak.

Pushing her back to the wall, she moved down the two steps to the ground, then propelled herself to the relative safety of the cover of the woods. Myles was right behind her. Once they'd stepped into the woods a few feet, she pointed to her right then to Myles. She pointed to herself then to her left. They'd split up now and see what they could flush out.

She listened with each slow step she took. Rafe was right, it was eerily quiet. She picked her footfalls carefully. A light breeze picked up and she was grateful and annoyed at the same time. The movement of the trees camouflaged her movements, but the wind also made it difficult to hear anyone else make noise.

Myles' voice whispered over the comm unit. "100 feet."

She moved herself to the small pile of firewood directly to the west of the cabin. "Woodpile." She whispered.

A stick snapped and she froze. She whispered, "Footsteps."

Ducking down she listened to the direction of the now discernible footsteps to her left. She ducked her head around the woodpile to look in that direction and she saw the movement through the trees. A man wearing navy blue pants and a matching jacket moved behind the large oak tree near the driveway.

She whispered to Myles. "One. Navy clothing. Large oak."

Myles responded. "Got him."

Then she saw a second man ducking behind a pile of rocks at the edge of the front yard. "Two." She whispered.

Myles responded. "Ten-four."

Peering around the woodpile, she lifted her gun to lay on a protruding log to steady herself. Tilting her head to peer through the scope, she sited in the man behind the rocks. Whispering, "Behind the rocks. Got him." She waited for him to show enough of himself to be a target. Her heartbeat increased slightly, but she exhaled slowly and forced her body to calm as she'd done many times before.

Her vision through the scope captured the man creeping toward the corner of the porch on the east side of the cabin. He used the vehicles in the driveway as cover. The instant he moved from the senator's car toward the SUV they'd rented she slowly pulled the trigger toward her.


The sound rang through the air and a split second later the man behind the oak began to run toward the cabin. Another BANG rang through the air and she saw the man fall to the ground.

The man she'd shot, tried standing but she wanted to keep him alive.

"Myles. Man one is trying to stand. I'm going to zip-tie him and question him."

"Ten-four." She heard Myles' footsteps as he ran toward his man. She stood and slowly neared the wounded man wobbling on his feet. The instant his eyes met hers he dove toward his weapon and she raised hers. "Don't do it."

He continued to scramble. He now crawled on the ground, toward his weapon and she fired a warning shot over his head. He froze for a split second, then tried again.

Plunging ahead toward the man, she grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him back a few feet from his weapon. Pulling a zip tie from her back pocket, she tied his ankles together, then squatted over his back and dragged his left arm behind him. His right arm flailed around, forcing her to work for it. He twisted his body and partially turned under her, his right hand connecting with her jaw.

Myles ran to them, grabbed his right arm and twisted it back to lay on his left wrist and she zip-tied his hands tightly together.

Rolling him to his back, she assessed the wound she'd graced him with. The small hole in his upper right chest had a small amount of blood that had seeped onto his jacket. She unzipped his jacket and pulled up his t-shirt to assess the wound.

The skin had cauterized from the heat of the bullet and likely because of his poor man's armor, which was his jacket and t-shirt, it didn't go in deep enough to do major damage. It'd hurt for a while and he needed to have the bullet removed, but he wouldn't die.

"I want him tied to the porch railing."

"Gladly." Myles grunted as he dragged the tied man toward the cabin.

She rubbed her jaw where the jackass had hit her. Maybe she'd have a bruise tomorrow.
