Page 37 of Guarding Adelaide

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Gun shots. He heard gun shots. Peering out the window near the door, he saw a man he didn't know fall to the ground. He couldn't see Addy or Myles.

His stomach felt like it was in his throat. Focusing on his breathing he strained to see Addy. Where was she? He twisted the deadbolt on the door. They could still shoot their way in, but it would slow them up enough that he could get the senator out of here. Hopefully.

"What do you see?"

The senator's eyes were wide, his voice garbled.

"A man down. Not one of ours."

"Geez-is." He mumbled.

Rafe peered out the window again and saw her. Addy was nearing the man on the ground, he was scrambling for his weapon. She was steady in her steps, her gun trained on him. She fired a shot above his head and it caused him to drop for a moment and then he began scrambling toward his weapon again. Rafe's fingers hovered over the deadbolt. He could shoot that man if he tried shooting Addy. He watched her steady progress toward the man, then she grabbed his legs and pulled him away from his weapon. In short order, she'd zip-tied his feet together then jumped on his back and pulled his left arm behind him. They wrestled with his right arm. Her head jerked back but Myles jumped in and jerked his arm back to his left arm. Addy secured his wrists together.

She stood and rubbed her jaw but followed Myles as he dragged the man to the porch.

Rafe twisted the dead bolt and pulled the door open. "What about the other one?"

Myles glanced up at him. "Dead."

Rafe moved to the back door and twisted the dead bolt on the door to secure it. Then scampered through the cabin to the front door. He stopped before walking out and turned to the senator. "You can sit down and try to relax."

"Thank God." He mumbled as he sat gingerly in the chair.

Rafe stalked toward Addy and Myles, eager to help them out. His blood thrummed through his veins, his heartbeat was still wild.

Addy looked the man in the eye. "Who sent you here?"

"Fuck you."

"Who's paying you?"

He pressed his lips together.

"How did you find us?"

The man began laughing. A little more than he should have. It was almost maniacal.

Myles reached forward and pressed his knuckles against the man's wound.

He yelled out, but Myles didn't stop pressing.

Addy asked once again. "How did you find us?"

The man's voice was stilted when he huffed out, "Tracker."

Her eyes looked to Myles, her pretty brows furrowed.

"What tracker?" She asked.

He said nothing, then began laughing once again. Myles pressed in a bit firmer and his laugh changed to a howl.

"We have a tracker on him." His head motioned to him. Both Addy and Myles looked up at him slowly. Addy stood taller as their eyes locked together.

He felt helpless. He held his hands out to the side and shook his head.

Myles' eyes were murderous and to be honest, he couldn't blame him. Rafe had caused all sorts of trouble today. Not meaning to and certainly not trying to. But he'd brought the enemy not once, but twice.
