Page 38 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Where?" Myles ground out as he pushed in again.

The man coughed. After his coughing fit, Myles let up and the man gasped for air a couple of times then softly said, "We have trackers in his phone."

Myles glanced up at him. "We'll look as soon as we have this asshole secured."

Addy stepped away and pulled her phone from her back pocket. She stepped away far enough that she couldn't be heard. Myles continued to question the man.

"Who is paying you?"

The man's breathing grew ragged and Myles pushed into the wound once again. He howled, then nodded his head. Gathering his breath he finally said, "Warren Elliott."

"Who is that?"

"King's man."

"Man for what?"

The man began laughing. He sputtered out a cough, then laid his head back against the rails.

Myles glanced at him. "Start searching for Elliott."

The wounded man grunted and moaned slightly, but Myles didn't let up. Rafe turned and entered the cabin. Pulling his laptop out he logged into the system in the DoD. He typed in Warren Elliott.

The little wheel turned as the system worked through their data base. Finally, Warren Elliott's name appeared on the screen. Elliott's picture meant nothing to him. He'd never seen him before.

Reading his profile, he worked in the State Department, his position said, "Classified".

The door to the cabin opened and Addy entered. She glanced at the senator leaning back in the armchair, his eyes closed.

"How are you feeling Senator?"

His eyes opened slowly. His color was ashen. "I can't seem to catch my breath."

Addy neared him and laid her hand on his forehead. Lifting his hand, she pressed her fingers on his wrist and felt his pulse as she stared at her watch. Quickly striding toward her medical bag, she opened it and pulled a small white pill from a bottle.

Handing it to the senator, she pulled a bottle of water from a cooler and twisted the cap to open it.

"This is an aspirin. Please take it and drink a fair amount of water with it."

"What's that for? I don't have a headache."

"It's not for a headache."

She motioned toward the senator with the bottle of water and he slowly put the aspirin in his mouth and with shaking fingers, he took the water bottle from Addy and drank down the aspirin.

When he'd finished drinking, he held the water bottle out to her and Addy twisted the cap on and set the bottle on the side table next to the senator. "It's right here if you need more. I'm not leaving, so I'll be here to watch you."

The senator nodded slightly and laid back against the chair. The fear in his eyes was evident. His slow calculated moves were impossible to miss.

Addy strode toward him. Her features were soft and his heartbeat increased.

He stood as she neared and the instant she was in front of him, he bent and kissed her lips. Her lips kissed his in return and he pulled her close with his arms around her body. Her arms circled his waist and he deepened the kiss.


Their lips parted and she took a step back. "What was that for?" She asked softly.

Rafe stared at her for a few moments before responding. When he did, his voice was gruff. "Watching you out there, wrestling with that asshole..." His fingers softly brushed the area the assailant had hit her. She saw his throat constrict as he swallowed and the deep brown of his eyes was impossible for her to look away from. "I realized something."
