Page 39 of Guarding Adelaide

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Her lips twitched slightly. "What did you realize?"

"I want to get to know you better. I want time with you. I want you to be safe."

Her lips parted slightly and her eyes continued to stare. Her heart beat so fast it was distracting. "I want to get to know you better too."

He grinned, but she stepped back once more. She whispered, "But, we have things to clean up here." She motioned over her shoulder at the senator. "I think it's his heart. We need to get him out of here. They'll come back. And we need to get the tracker off your phone."

She held her hand out to him and her breathing came in spurts as she worried he would balk at the intrusion. But, to her surprise, he slowly laid his phone in her hand, never looking away from her.

His phone was warm in her hand. The weight of his similar to her own phone. She slid her finger over the screen and came to a password screen. She held it out to Rafe, and he easily entered his code and opened his phone.

She checked his texts, aware she was prying. Then, she plugged it into her laptop still sitting on the table. She tapped a few times in the GHOST system and began a search for the trojan horse that allowed King's men to enter their circle of security.

He had very few apps on his phone, which is where most trackers are located. Her computer alerted her to the calculator app on his phone. She tapped the keys to tell the program to search the calculator and watched as the circle turned.

A red box appeared on her screen and she read the location of the tracker. Tapping a few times she opened the calculator app and tapped into the settings. There it was, nestled quietly inside his calculator app.

Turning his phone toward him so he could see, his jaw tightened, and when his eyes met hers, they were no longer the velvety chocolate brown of before, but now his pupils dilated and his brows furrowed.

His voice was gruff when he asked, "Can you find a serial number or other identifier on the tracker?"

Myles entered the cabin and moved quickly toward them. "What have you found?"

She turned Rafe's phone toward Myles. His eyes squinted briefly, then heaved out a deep breath. "It's a Sammasa fleet tracking app."

Rafe sat at the table and began typing into his computer. She focused on Myles. "How do we disable it?"

Myles pulled his laptop from the bag he'd stowed it in, opened the lid and immediately began typing. As he did that, she asked, "What did you do with the perp?"

"Henry's back. He's watching him."

A loud howl came from outside and Myles' lips turned up into a smile. "I guess he isn't cooperating."

Addy rolled her shoulders back. It went against the medic in her to continue to cause pain. But they needed answers.

Rafe huffed out a breath. "That is the app the State Department uses to track its government owned vehicles."

She looked at Rafe waiting for more of an explanation, but he wasn't offering anything further. Myles is the one who broke the silence. "How did it get in your phone?"

"I don't know."

Addy lay her right hand on Rafe's left shoulder. "Rafe, who has access to your phone?"

"No one."

"When Jensen Gable was in the locker room and put a tracker in your gym bag, could he have gotten into your phone?"

"There's no way. It's password locked and I can look at my phone data to see when it was last opened."

"Can you go back around the time you were at the gym, in the pool, to see if it was accessed?"

Myles interrupted. "According to this, the tracker was activated the day before that. Who had access to your phone two days ago?"

"That was the day the senator told Wade about the information he had on King." Rafe's fingers brushed across his forehead before digging into his hair and sweeping it off his forehead.

“I was in my office while the senator was in with Wade. I had my phone on my desk connected to the charger, which is also connected to my computer. I was in my office the entire time." He froze and his eyes rounded. "Except when Wade called me to his office after the senator left." He stood. "Shit!"

Myles questioned him further. "Who would have access to your office during the day and specifically during the time you were with Wade. Is there a way to tell?"
