Page 4 of Guarding Adelaide

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"On it."

A click then silence on the other end.

His phone rang again as he held it. "Martin."

"Casper. What the hell happened at the gym today?"

"Someone set off a bomb. It was small and only damaged the pool area, part of the locker room and the blast blew down the hallway to the main area, creating mass chaos and damage."

"Was it directed at you?"

"I'm not sure. No one would have known I was going to the gym today. It was impromptu."

"But you didn't report it."

"I didn't want to tip my hand. I spoke to police just like any other gym goer. GHOST is in place now so I'll let them in on this as soon as the police department gets back to me. I saw a man leaving the locker room and my locker had been carved up as if someone was trying to get inside. I have an email in to the sketch artist here. As soon as I have a graphic, I'll run it through and see if I can figure out who he is and why he's targeting me - if he was, or the gym if he wasn't."

"Does anyone know you're working with me?"

"No sir. If they've figured it out, it didn't come from me."

He heard Casper take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Keep me informed."

"Yes sir. But, if no one knows we're working together, I don't see why they'd target me to get to you."

The line went dead before an answer was given. He abruptly stood and paced to the window. His vehicle sat where he had parked it. The parking spots on either side were vacant. The sun was beginning to set and his mind wandered to the activities of today.

His phone rang once again and he wondered when he'd ever get a half hour of peace and quiet to actually get work done. Snatching it from his desk he kept his voice even.


"Senator Jackson is at a bar called Lawyer Up To The Bar."

"Is he alone?"

"He went in alone. He's now pointing fingers and accusing people of deserting him."

"Keep me apprised if it goes off the rails."


Packing his laptop into his leather carry case, locking his desk drawers, and perusing the office for anything out of place, Rafe hefted his laptop case over his shoulder and exited his office, locking the door on the way out.

Janitorial staff were in the halls, most of the building's occupants now gone for the day. He inhaled a breath of fresh air on his way to his vehicle, and mentally prepared for the coming events.

After locking his car doors, he tapped the Bluetooth button on his steering wheel and said, "Call Adelaide Masters."

The robotic voice replied. "Calling Adelaide Masters."

The phone rang only twice. "Masters."

"Hello, Adelaide, it's Rafe Martin. Senator Jackson is at Lawyer Up To The Bar, a little place on Downey Street, just off of U Street. Many of the congressional folks hang out there."

"Got it. We'll head over now."

"I understand he's causing trouble and accusing members of congress of not supporting his campaign. He may get himself kicked out before you get there."

He heard a light chuckle and imagined her smile. All he'd seen so far were head shots in the file Casper kept. She was a beautiful woman. He wondered how she managed a love life when she worked for a covert organization such as GHOST. It was similar in many ways to his job. He'd never found the right woman who could handle the weird hours and last-minute change of plans. There was a time he'd been through a string of girlfriends hoping one of them would manage to deal with his life. But, in the end none of them could and he got tired of the upheaval when they ultimately dumped him. He was now on his own.
