Page 44 of Guarding Adelaide

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His eyes misted and he blinked rapidly then closed them tightly as he pulled her to him. The sucker punch of emotion her comment gave him had his head swirling.

Footsteps behind them made her pull away slightly. He twisted to see Catalina come down the staircase with an armful of sheets in her arms. She didn't look into the office, though she likely knew they were there. She disappeared around the staircase, and he sucked in a lungful of air.

"Okay. I need to locate Brett Selisen and you need to contact Tate."


Addy sat at the smaller desk in the office. Her eyes darted to Rafe more than once. He was handsome in work mode. He still wore his t-shirt and dress pants. And, he told her they'd go to his place later today so he could get a couple changes of clothing. She'd never said anything about him staying here, he never asked. It was assumed. That was kind of nice. It meant he wanted to stay here with her. It also, hopefully, meant they'd be together. It had been so long since she felt the desire to be with someone special. It actually felt like a lifetime. And, as she thought on it now, she'd never felt like this about anyone in her past.

Letting out a deep breath, she picked up her phone and tapped Tate's picture. She stared across the room at Rafe. He glanced at her periodically and she got goosebumps every time. When his lips curved up into a half smile, she liked that more.

"Hey, Addy, what's up?"

She sat straighter in her chair. "I have something to tell you."

"Okay. Have you found Jensen Gable?"

His question took her back a moment, she'd been so focused on telling him about Casper, and Rafe. "Ah, no. That's next on my list actually."


"Tate. Casper is Wade Evans. Rafe Martin, his Special Counsel, is being groomed to take over for Casper when he retires."

Tate's chair squeaked and she imagined him sitting in it. His voice was monotone when he responded. "How do you know this?"

"Rafe told me. Casper told him it was too dangerous keeping the secret from us."

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "It actually makes sense to many things now."

"Yeah. Have you gotten to his family?"

"Yes. Wyatt and Axel are bringing them back to Indiana. Casper is still dark."

"Rafe has access to him."

"Shit." She heard the squeak once again. "I need to talk to him."

She stood and padded across the plush carpeting in the office. Rafe looked up at her as she approached and sat back in his chair. His eyes never left hers as she rounded the desk, tapped her phone and set it on the desk, between Rafe's computer and her hip.

"Tate, I have you on speaker. Rafe is here. Rafe, meet Tate."

Rafe grinned. "It's nice to meet you, Tate."

"It's nice to meet you too, Rafe. So, Addy tells me you have access to Casper."

"I do."

"I need to speak to him. Wyatt and Axel have his wife and kids and are bringing them to GHOST Headquarters in Indiana. They'll be safe there. We'd like Casper to join them there so he's safe as well."

"He's working on getting the information the senator shared with him into the correct hands before the inauguration."

"I understand. We can help him with that. It's dangerous, as you've witnessed."

"Yes. King won't go down without a war."

"That's my worry. Is it worth it?"

Rafe's brows furrowed tightly in his forehead and he sat up straight. She saw his jaw twitch before he said, "Is having a corrupt president the right thing? The people only elected him because they didn't know all the dirt on him. Is that fair? Is that right? And, if he'll have someone killed to keep them quiet, and not only one person, but many, is that the person who should lead our country?"
