Page 47 of Guarding Adelaide

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The chief flipped open his notebook and read down the small page of his scribbles. "It seems that was about two o'clock this afternoon."

"So, someone broke into my house at just before two this afternoon, created a damned mess, ran out into the backyard and between the neighbors’ yards and down the street and you think that was me? If I were going to do something like this, don't you think I'd wait until the dead of the night?"

"I'm not accusing you Mr. Martin."

Rafe turned his head and saw the mess. Addy squeezed his hand. "Chief. Rafe was with me and my teammates all morning and afternoon. When the call came in that his home had been broken into, we were at the home of Raymond and Kate Bowman, now owned by their children. The housekeeper was there and can attest to that fact should you need her too."

The chief looked at Addy, then in his eyes for a long cold stare. "I haven't accused either of you of doing anything. I don't know why you'd jump to needing someone to 'attest' to your whereabouts."

She smiled her prettiest smile. "I simply wanted you to know, we have been otherwise occupied all day and have witnesses. We also wouldn't come to Rafe's home, the one you can tell is pristine and cleaned, at least it was, to cause someone harm, smear it about the place, then run and call the police to implicate ourselves."

Rafe squeezed her hand again, his brain finally engaging. "Chief, I'd like to see all the reports as soon as you have them typed up. Including who called in the supposed burglary or intrusion. Who saw the man who looked like me, running across the yard and the identifying features of this man. I'd like the fingerprint reports, the blood analysis, and every single interview you've conducted here this afternoon."

"I don't believe you have the authority Mr. Martin."

"Oh, but I do." Rafe pulled out his DoD security, and showed it to the chief, then he finished, "Anything to do with a DoD employee, especially the employees surrounding the Secretary of Defense, are subject to immediate investigation by the Department. And, as we're currently involved in something that has to do with national security, I'll have those reports immediately upon completion, which should be within the hour."


Wow. He was impressive. She was proud of Rafe. Turned on too. When he took charge like he'd just done...swoon.

He turned to her and grinned, then he proceeded to the door, still holding her hand and bringing her along. He said nothing as he moved to his bedroom. He flicked the light on and led her to an armchair in the corner.

"If you don't mind, please take a seat while I pack a few things."

"I can help."

He grinned. "They're going to give me a hard time about packing clothing. I want you to sit there, while I lay a few things out on the bed. I'm going to invite one of the officers to watch so there isn't an issue later on. It'll look better if you are sitting there and not milling about."

She sat in the comfortable chair, excited 'in charge' Rafe was back in action. He hadn't completely disappeared, but he'd certainly taken a backseat the past day.

Rafe disappeared from the room for a few moments and she took the time to look around. He had great taste in furniture. His bedroom was masculine, but not overly so. The bed was large, easily a king-size bed with a deep brown suede duvet. Plush pillows graced the head of the bed, the large, padded leather headboard filled nearly half the wall behind the bed. This leather chair she sat in was soft to the touch and comfortable to sit in. Behind her an oversized crocheted gray blanket was draped prettily over the back. The dark wooden dresser held only a wood and metal wallet organizer, and she could see some change laying in the tray. The carpet was neutral in color and soft to walk on. Little expense was spared in making this room exactly what he wanted.

Rafe entered the room with one of the officers from the kitchen in tow. He glanced at her when he entered, then winked. Damn that did all sorts of good things to her body, but she simply smiled at him then nodded at the officer. Rafe stepped to his closet and slid the barn door open to reveal neatly arranged shelves with sweaters, t-shirts, and work out clothing neatly folded and gracing their appropriate shelves. He stepped aside and held his hand out to the officer.

"My suitcase is standing near the shelves. I'll be filling it with clothing."

The officer nodded. His eyes darted to hers often, and she simply smiled at him and tried to act relaxed. What she got was that Rafe was pissed off. They'd accused him of doing something to his own home, planting blood and wasting their time. His way of handling it was he was going to be a pain in the ass. If not a bit of a smart-ass.

He pulled the suitcase out and opened it on the bed. He nodded to the officer and turned to pull underwear and t-shirts from his drawers. He plopped the undergarments on the bed near the suitcase, then moved to the closet. He pulled three pair of khakis from hangers and set them on the bed. He returned the hangers to the end of the closet rod and pulled clean shirts, sweaters, and workout clothing from the closet and placed them on his bed. He stepped into a room next to his closet, which she guessed was his bathroom. He came out with a toiletry bag and laid that on the bed.

He strutted to the bedside table and pulled his charging stand and the cord off of it, then wrapped the cord neatly into a figure eight pattern, secured it with the Velcro attached to it and laid it near his clothing on the bed. He then looked at the officer, his chest rising and falling from the pace he'd set.

"Any objection to me packing this stuff?"

"No sir." The officer softly replied.

Rafe nodded and began neatly placing his items into the suitcase. When he'd finished, he zipped it closed, set it on the floor, wheels down and lifted the handle. "Anything you need from me before we go?"

The officer shook his head. "No, sir."

He turned his handsome head to her, smiled slightly, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Are you ready, Addy?"

"Yes." She replied as she stood. She offered the officer a smile. Mostly she felt sorry for him. He had to stand there and watch Rafe pack, knowing full well Rafe was pissed off. Also knowing, Rafe had done nothing wrong.

Rafe moved toward his front door, his back straight as an arrow, his jaw clenching as he walked. The officers fingerprinting the kitchen didn't look at them as they left and she was grateful for that. He'd likely snap their heads off.

As he stepped onto the front patio, he let out a deep breath and she placed her hand in his once more.
