Page 49 of Guarding Adelaide

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"I'm on my way out of town right now. You know where I'll be. If it gets too hot in D.C. you need to get out. Do you hear me? We need you safe. They won't want you to leave if they find out what we're doing."

He glanced at Addy. She stared into his eyes and her lips relaxed into a soft smile. "We'll be safe."

"Addy, I know you don't want to hear this, but if things go south, you let Rafe guard you from it. I owe your parents a great deal for years of service. I'd never want anything to happen to you on my watch."

Her lips stretched into a straight line. "I'll promise to be careful and work with Rafe. We'll guard each other."

Wade huffed out a deep breath. "Fair enough."

Rafe brushed Addy's cheek with the back of his fingers. Then Wade continued. "I'll let you know as soon as I have anything. You'll have safety at the Bowman home. Use the safe room if anyone tries to get inside."


The line went silent. Rafe sat up straight and started his vehicle. "In case they think they're going to drag me to jail tonight, let's get out of here."


Rafe's phone signaled a text. It was from Wade.

"Guarding Adelaide is priority one. I've got a way to get the information about King in the proper hands. Stay safe."

After reading his text, he slid his phone into the cupholder in his vehicle and made a U-turn on his street. He moved down the street slowly, watching each house as he passed. Neighbors weren't looking out the windows, and many of the houses still looked empty. He glanced at his dashboard and saw the time was four-thirty-five. It was a bit early for Washington folks.

"Who would call the police anyway? No one is home during the day here. Everyone works." He mumbled.

Addy's phone rang as Rafe merged them onto the highway. "Hi, Tate. I have you on speaker. Rafe and I are in the car headed back to the Bowmans’ house."

"Hi, Rafe." She could hear typing and knew he was still looking at things on his computer. "It looks like there was a little break in at the morgue today. I had the body Myles downed taken there secretly. We have a guy there who will put folks on ice until we figure out what to do with them. He phoned me to tell me the body brought in today is missing. I'm going to guess, they've planted his blood in your house Rafe, and they'll try to pin his murder on you. At a minimum, they'll use it to squeeze you to get to Wade."

Rafe took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "We need to find Brett Selisen. I think I can find out where he is."

"Approaching him is dangerous. Use all precaution."

Addy nodded. "Will do. If we need to get out of the state, can the plane be on standby for us?"

"I'll have Gavin fly in and be at the private hanger we have there."

"Thanks, Tate."

"Rafe. I know this isn't your usual gig, so if you want to tap out, just let Addy know."

Rafe looked at Addy. She had a big grin on her face. "I'm good. I haven't worked in this capacity for a long time, but it's just like riding a bike."

The call ended.

Rafe left the highway and turned into the Bowman neighborhood. He glanced back often to make sure they weren't followed.

Addy twisted in her seat. "They know we're staying here. Selisen or someone was here earlier."

"Correct. Why don't we run in, grab your things, tell Catalina to go home, and go to a hotel."


Addy thought about Rafe's words for a few seconds. "I think we have to sneak in because they're likely already watching the Bowman home. I'll text Catalina and tell her to go home. I don't want her traumatized again today. Once she's safely away, we'll park a couple of streets over and sneak in through the back. Most of our equipment can be picked up later. I'll grab my clothing. My laptop is always with me and here in the vehicle."

She texted Catalina.

"Please go home. The house is likely being watched, if you want a police escort, let me know."
