Page 52 of Guarding Adelaide

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"You're all set up here." He noted.

"We are. We won't have internet until we're up in the air, but we can work while we travel."

Light filled the hangar as the doors slid open and the lights dimmed in the cabin of the plane. Rafe sat across from Addy and watched her buckle her seat belt, then she laid her head back and stared at him.

He buckled his seatbelt and mimicked her, happy to gaze into her eyes. The plane began moving forward and his heartbeat raced. How far behind them were the police?

Turning his head, he watched out the window as Gavin taxied them past the hangars in row G. His breathing became stilted as the anticipation of being stopped tightened his body and made it difficult to breathe.

Gavin turned them left and proceeded to a smaller runway used by the private plane owners.

Turning right, he lined them up on the runway and they waited for a few beats.

Gavin's voice came over a speaker. "We've been given the all clear to take off. Please fasten your seatbelts."

His eyes sought Addy's. Her full lips turned up into a smile. "Gavin has flown GHOST out of some of the worst places. He's Navy trained and he's good. We've been under fire more times than I care to count. He's got this."

Rafe grinned. "I guess I shouldn't play poker with you."

Her giggle was adorable, welcomed, and enticing. "I guess I want to play poker with you now."

He chuckled and glanced out the window as the plane began moving down the runway. Their speed increased, the thumping of the uneven pavement beneath them welcome. Soon, they were in the air and a few minutes later, the landing gear hydraulics hummed as the wheels tucked into the belly of the plane.

Gavin spoke over the intercom once again. "We're safely up. We'll be flying at ten thousand feet and in the air for about two hours. Sit back and enjoy the flight folks."

Addy leaned forward, twisted the table between them so the oval filled the two seats on either side of them. She slowly moved across the narrow space between them and perched herself on his lap, her legs on either side of his. Her hands pushed into his hair and held his head, her lips, so soft and enticing, melded with his.

His hands found her backside and squeezed tightly while pulling her body into his firmly. He'd never joined the mile high club, but if he was joining today, there's no one he'd rather be with. She'd been teasing his thoughts for a few days now.

Her lips left his and his disappointment was short-lived as they planted soft kisses across his forehead and down the side of his face. When she reached his jaw, she nipped it a few times, her husky voice whispering. "When you're tense, I see your jaw clench and grind."

She planted a few more kisses on his jaw, then moved to the other side and repeated her kissing pattern. After nibbling on his right jaw, she moved her kisses down his neck. His hands squeezed her ass once again and pulled her into the hardness she'd created. She giggled slightly and lifted her head. When her eyes landed on his, they were dark, and sexy, and incredibly mesmerizing.

He swallowed to moisten his throat. "You want to join the mile high club Addy?" He didn't recognize his voice just then. Deep and gravely.

Her lips curved into a soft beguiling smile. When she spoke, it was soft and sexy. "I absolutely do."

He stared at her. "Me too." She bent down and kissed his lips. This time it wasn't the soft melding of lips but excitement and urgency.

His hands dug under her shirt and felt her heated skin. Her body was muscular and firm, but her breasts were full and soft. It was a beautiful contrast. He pinched her nipples and heard her gasp. She pulled away from him, just enough to look into his eyes.

Slowly she moved back, her legs moved from the seat until she was standing before him. She moved her hands to unzip her tactical slacks. Slowly. Their eyes never wavered. Shimmying her slacks over her slender hips, she let them drop to the floor, then moved her panties down her hips and legs. She stepped free from them, then slid her hands around the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it over her head. The soft blue lacy bra she wore contrasted with her olive skin. Her hands reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra easily, then she let the soft material slide down her arms and pile on the floor with the rest of her clothing.

Rafe stared at her gorgeous body. All of it. She was a goddess. He unzipped his pants and lifted his hips up as he pushed them down his hips and let them fall to his ankles. He reached down and stepped out of them, pulling a condom from his wallet quickly, then did the same with his boxer briefs. The cool air on his hot penis further hardened him. Addy's eyes dropped to his cock and it pulsed of its own accord. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the ever-growing pile on the floor.

Addy stepped forward and resumed her position over him. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass and pulled her forward until her body touched his hardened cock. She moved her hips back and forth and he huffed out a long breath.

"You feel incredible," he whispered.

She moved her sexy hips again as her lips pressed near his ear. "So do you."

She reached back and took the condom from his hand, ripped it open and pumped his cock a few times, watching the precum form before swiping it over the head. His breathing ratcheted up as her hands manipulated him in the sexiest way. He'd never felt like this before, he was sure of it.

She put the condom on the head of his cock, and slowly rolled it over him. Her hands doing a myriad of things to his body, his mind, his existence.

Once she'd finished, she rose up slightly, held his cock in her hand and perched herself over him, tucking the tip of his cock at her entrance. It was only by sheer control he didn't come right then. Her tight nipples were even with his mouth, so he leaned forward and sucked her left breast into his mouth and his hands gripped her hips and pushed her slowly down his cock.

She moaned softly as he filled her and he sucked harder before lifting her and plunging her down again. Her hands dug into his shoulders as she rose and fell over and over.
