Page 54 of Guarding Adelaide

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"That gives Rafe a little payback to Selisen and keeps Selisen's mind on his own shit not Rafe."

"Okay. On it. Anything else?"

She stared at Rafe, raised her brows and waited. Rafe's chest rose and fell. "Nothing at this time."

"Okay. I'll see you in a while."

The line went dead and she watched Rafe. He didn't seem happy or excited that his reputation would remain intact.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like planting evidence to get Selisen in trouble. That's the sort of bullshit my father would do."

"It's temporary. It'll be removed once we have King and can turn over all the other criminal activities Selisen has partaken in."

Rafe shrugged. "Still doesn't feel right."

She pushed the table aside again and moved to sit on his lap. Her legs hung over the armrest, and into the seat next to him.

"Right now, we have burner phones on the plane. You should use one to call Leesha and tell her you had to get out of town. Tell her you're in Hawaii. If her phone is bugged, they'll hear that and look for you there."

His voice was a low growl when he responded. "What would I be doing in Hawaii?"

"Senator Jackson said his family had a place in Hawaii. So, you're doing some investigation. Highly top secret. A matter of national security. Anything that will make King think he's sent you on a wild goose chase. But he'll also worry that Jackson hid documents there. He'll likely send someone to check and keep his focus there for a while."

"Does GHOST have the senator's family?"

"Yes. They are in a safe house. It's undisclosed to us right now."

"What will telling Leesha I'm in Hawaii do for me?"

"It'll throw him off the scent. Selisen saw Myles, Henry, and I with the senator in the bar. I'm sure he's been investigating us. We're, for the most part, off the grid when it comes to social media and such. But, if he has access to military records, we're there. So are our parents. Casper, Gaige, and Tate have tried securing our records so they aren't easily accessed. But the President of the United States, or newly-elected president, may have people who will do some shady shit to uncover what we've hidden."


Rafe held Addy on his lap for a few more minutes just to feel her body close to his. She laid her head against his, her arms around his neck. Her scent filled his nostrils. The feel of her filled up every empty well he had in his life.

"What's the HOG?"

She giggled. "It's where we live. Home. Office. Garage. HOG. It's an old factory we converted."

He squeezed her tightly. "Okay. Let me think about it."

His stomach tightened. This was shady shit like his dad had done over the years. Was this for the greater good? Maybe. He needed to do it to keep her safe though. It would be his fault if King latched on to Addy or her teammates because he didn't do everything he could to keep her safe. He'd do shady shit for her. He absolutely would.

Addy kissed his lips, then moved to get the phone. Her loss was immediate. He liked having her close. He liked being with her. He absolutely wanted to have sex with her. Again and again.

She reappeared with a phone in a package and opened it up. He watched her fingers tap on the phone, start it up, set a password. All the things. She'd done this a few times in her life.

"How long have you been an operative?" He questioned.

Her lips turned up on one side. It was adorable. "You've read my file. I assume you know that."

"I want you to tell me."

She stopped messing with the phone and stared at him. "About eight years now. I left the military when I was twenty-four. It was a given I'd work for GHOST. All of us knew we'd work for GHOST. So, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, I became a GHOST."

"How many missions have you been on?"
