Page 55 of Guarding Adelaide

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She sat back, a smile on her face. "So you want to get to know me better? Is that what this is? Or are you stalling?"

He leaned back and took a deep breath. "Maybe both."

She nodded once. "I've been on countless missions. Some stick out, some don't. Gaige and Tate have all the specifics. What I do know is they take care of us. We'd just come off a particularly bad mission when we were sent to Kentucky. Kentucky was low-key. It was a money maker for GHOST. It kept us employed and yet, it wasn't hard. That's the longest mission I've ever been on."

"What was the most dangerous?"

She leaned forward and laid her arms on the table between them. "We were sent to a rain forest in Nicaragua to rescue two American soldiers who were kidnapped. It was dirty. It was dangerous. The guerrillas there don't like outsiders and they shoot first. They were holding our soldiers in shitty pits in the ground. They weren't feeding them well, but they were guarding the shit out of them. We had to go in undetected and kill off the guerrillas one at a time, quietly, until our men were not guarded. Pull them out of the pit and get them to safety."

His eyes never left hers. His jaw twitched and he realized he was grinding his teeth.

"I don't like that for you."

She chuckled. "I do. It's what I was born to do. For as long as I can, I will do it. Gaige and Tate do a good job of training us. They also know when to let us rest. I get to do work I love and that has significant meaning. I make great money doing it. And, I'm working with family and friends I love and who love me. That is something most people never get to do."

He nodded once. "That's very true." He heaved out a breath. "It's also dangerous."

Her phone rang and she slowly lifted it up. Her brows furrowed as she looked at her screen. "Adelaide Masters."

Her brows furrowed more, then she pulled her phone away from her ear and tapped the speaker icon. As she set it on the table, she said, "Can you repeat that please? You cut out on me."

"I said, I know who you are. I know you saw me at the bar and watched me follow the senator out of the bar. I also believe you stole something that belongs to me."

"I didn't steal anything. I believe you stole something that belongs to me. I just took it back."

"You and Rafe think you're so fucking smart, don't you? Well, let me tell you this. I'll find you. I won't stop until I do. And, I'll find Rafe. I'll make both of you tell me where Senator Jackson and Wade Evans are. You're harboring them. But I'll find them."

"Well, have you thought maybe you could work for us? Maybe we can protect you from Senator King."

"President King."

"Not yet."

"He will be soon enough. I have his protection."

"You mean like he protected Senator Jackson? He turned on him as soon as he wasn't useful anymore. What makes you think he won't do the same thing to you?"

"Consider yourself warned. I'll find you. I'll make you pay. You and your teammates and Rafe Martin."

The line went silent and she tapped her phone a couple of times. Ringing came over the speaker.


"It's Addy. Did you get that phone call?"

"Yes. We're tracing it."

"Thank you. I'm asking Rafe to call his office and tell his assistant he's in Hawaii on a case of national security."

"Great idea. Piper is working on Selisen's bank records now. We should be able to have him picked up by the authorities in about an hour. Bank fraud is a serious offense."

"Wonderful. We'll be landing in about a half hour."

"See you then."

His stomach tightened. His mouth was dry and his body felt as cold as a frozen lake. "Addy. Give me that phone."

She finished setting it up and handed it to him. He tapped out his office number and listened to the ringing. He tapped the speaker button and held the phone between them.
