Page 56 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Office of Special Counselor Rafe Martin. How may I help you?"

"Leesha, it's Rafe."

"Mr. Martin. I've been so worried. Brett has been trying to touch base with you and I've been worried something happened to you. Brett said your home was broken into. Are you alright?"

Here it was, his first lie. "I'm fine Leesha. I had to leave the state to research something for Wade Evans. I'm in Hawaii and will be for a few days at a minimum. I'm sorry to have worried you, but this trip was unplanned, and it came up quickly."

Leesha huffed out a deep breath. "Oh. Whew. Thank you for contacting me. I'll direct questions and inquiries accordingly. Should I clear your calendar?"

"Yes, please clear my calendar for the rest of this week and next week. I'll take it day by day here and let you know how my investigation is going and when I'll return."

"Thank you, Mr. Martin. I'll take care of it."

"Thank you, Leesha. I'll check in periodically."

He ended their call and sat back. He felt disgusting having to lie to someone who trusted him and had given him her all. It was a feeling he didn't want to repeat again.


Gavin's voice sounded over the speaker. "Please fasten your seat belts for landing. We'll be on the ground in ten minutes."

She fastened her seat belt then watched Rafe woodenly fasten his. She smiled at his handsome face when his eyes met hers. Then she saw his jaw twitch.

"You can apologize to Leesha when this is sorted and you're safe. If she cares for you, she'll understand."

He nodded once but said nothing. She leaned forward and laid her hand on the table, palm up. His jaw twitched again, but slowly his hand locked with hers. She squeezed and held his hand tightly. "It's necessary, Rafe."

"I know."

The plane touched down. As was Gavin's way, it was smooth as silk. She grinned and squeezed Rafe's hand once again.

Rafe grinned. "He's good."

Nodding, she chuckled. "That he is."

Gavin taxied to their hangar and as soon as he'd stopped, they both unbuckled their seatbelts, gathered their laptop cases and waited to exit the plane. Gavin stood at the door.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Gavin. A perfect flight as always."

"Thank you, Ms. Masters."

Rafe held his hand out to Gavin. "Thank you for your expedience, Gavin."

"You're welcome, Mr. Martin."

As she descended the stairs, a black Jeep pulled to a stop near the hangar. She giggled and ran to the Jeep.

Maya jumped from the Jeep and wrapped her in a hug. It felt good to see her again. It had only been a week, but that seemed too long.

Maya pulled back and looked into her face. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I do have someone I'd like you to meet though."

She turned and held her hand out to Rafe. He had made his way toward them, at a slower pace than she had. He took her hand in his and squeezed.

"Rafe, this is my cousin, Maya. Maya and Myles are brother and sister. Twins, actually."

Rafe nodded and grinned. "It's nice to meet you, Maya."
