Page 59 of Guarding Adelaide

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They stopped behind the sofa facing the television and she pointed out the rooms. "Maya's room is behind the conference room and in the corner over there. The two bedrooms across from the conference room against the back wall are empty. We use them for guests. Our parents visit a lot. That door is the front door. It faces the road but it's almost never used. The room on the left of the front door, is Henry's old room. Next to that, is Spencer's old room. He and Kenna live upstairs now. Myles' bedroom is in that corner. Leading around the room and to the left is Tate's old bedroom, now empty, and then the office. Next to the office is a storage room. On the other side of the storage room and accessed from the garage is our shooting range."

"Holy shit. You have a shooting range here? That's fantastic."

"We're pretty self-contained here. We have a workout facility in the garage too. I'll show you that later."

She took his hand again and led him across the floor to Tate's office. The door was partially open, but she knocked twice then pushed the door open.

Tate sat behind his desk on a laptop, typing away. "Hey there, Addy and Rafe. Come in, please."

Tate closed the lid on his laptop. He stood and held his hand out. Rafe quickly clasped hands with Tate and shook vigorously. "It's great to meet you in person Tate. Thank you for the plane ride here."

Tate nodded. His eyes glanced at Addy briefly before he nodded. "Welcome home, Addy."


Tate sat and motioned to two chairs in front of his desk. "Okay. Let's start with new news. I was just informed from a friendly police officer in D.C., that Selisen was picked up on bank fraud. Our friendly remembered his name as the person associated with your office, Rafe, and contacted me. I asked him to indeed pick him up. He's in a holding cell for tonight. He'll get his time before a judge tomorrow and bail may be set. I'm working with the prosecutor there to demand that he not be allowed bail. Since he's committed bank fraud, it'll take some time to ascertain which of his funds were fraudulently obtained and shouldn't be used as bail."

The mention of Selisen soured his stomach. It had since he'd learned of Selisen's betrayal. He was grateful Selisen was in jail and no longer allowed in the office. Tomorrow, he'd call Leesha and explain to her that Selisen was no longer allowed in his office, and he'd send word that Selisen was no longer employed either.

"Thank you, Tate. I appreciate all you're doing for me."

Tate grinned. "We're doing all of it for the good of the country. You shouldn't have been dragged into it. But, as soon as the senator visited Wade, you were brought in by proxy."

He nodded. Turning his head to look at Addy, he grinned. "I think I gained something much more valuable in the end."

Addy smiled at him and reached over and took his hand in hers. He winked at her and her cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink.

Turning back to Tate, he saw Tate's brows lift. Tate nodded. "I had no idea you two had grown so close. But, you're right. She's very valuable."

Tate turned to Addy. "You better call your mom and dad."

She chuckled. "I will."

Rafe's phone rang. He saw Wade's name. "It's Wade. I need to take this."

Tate nodded and Rafe stood to leave. "Hi, Wade. I'm here with Tate and Addy."

"You can put me on speaker phone then."

Rafe turned and set his phone on Tate's desk. Tapping the speaker icon, he said, "Okay. You’re on speaker."

"President-elect King has announced the appointment of three cabinet members. All of these men have ties in Yerezdan. They'll likely work hard to keep the dirty deeds of Yerezdan under wraps. Also, it's believed the oil for arms deals will continue with this president. Many people will perish due to these deals. We're running out of time to get this information out. We're down to four weeks."

Rafe leaned forward. "What do you need us to do?"

"I'm not sure right now. I'll text you all some names I need researched. I think these will be people we can approach to help us. All on other sides of the aisle, of course. Rafe, you'll need to be on the secret server when you research them. Security at the White House will be pinged if we search them outside of that. Also, Rafe, research the Constitution and any subsequent executive orders surrounding ethics and conduct of elected members when conducting illegal activities."

"Okay. Send me the names you want researched, and in the meantime, I'll begin researching the rest."

Wade continued. "Tate, we may need more help from RAPTOR cyber unit."

Tate nodded. "They'll help us without complaint."

Wade cleared his throat. "Addy. I understand Selisen called and threatened you. He's likely blustering on in jail and spilling his information or threatening to. Stay alert. If he has your name and phone number, he'll likely be able to figure out where you're located."

"Thank you. We'll remain vigilante."

"I'm working on my end to resecure your records. Thank you all. I'll be in touch."
