Page 6 of Guarding Adelaide

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"No. They're all greedy sons-a-bitches and don't follow through on their promises."

"I'm sorry. That sucks."

"It sure as shit does." He took a long pull off his beer.

"What did they not follow through on?" She smiled at him, hoping he'd continue to chat.

"They were supposed to stump for me and help me with my re-election. But not one of them did. It's all King's fault."

"Who's King?"

He turned his head, his flabby cheeks moving at weird angles when he did. "Daniel King. As in president-elect, Daniel King."

"Oh." She straightened. "He told them not to help you?"

A round shoulder hitched up and fell. "Not in so many words. But, by alliance only."

"I don't understand." She cocked her head to the left and stared at him.

He stared at her for a moment, then took another pull off his beer. "It doesn't matter."

"Did you have a fight with him?"

"Sort of. It's over now." His voice changed and so did his demeanor. He was a defeated man.

"Is there anything I can do?"

He laughed then. A short bark of laughter before he locked eyes with her in the mirror behind the bar. "Not unless you have a time machine and can go back to about eight years ago. My whole life would be completely different if you could. And some people would still be alive."

Henry responded to the cryptic comment. "Boy, I've been there." He looked past Senator Jackson to her. "Do you have a time machine?"

"'Fraid not." She chuckled.

The front door opened and a tall thin man with reddish hair strode into the bar. His eyes scanned the people inside before he took a seat at the curve of the bar near the door.

Senator Jackson shifted on his barstool and muttered something, but she couldn't hear what he said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

The senator squirmed on his stool and stared at the end of the bar. "One of these assholes in here likely told him I was here." He said softly.

"Who is that?" she questioned.

The senator shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

Addy sipped her beer but made sure she made eye contact with Myles. He nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Senator Jackson's phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it.

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?"


He chugged the remainder of his beer and tapped the bottom of his bottle on the bar. The bartender glanced at her, as if she were seeking permission. She smiled sweetly and nodded.

The bartender's shoulders drooped before she turned and pulled another beer from the cooler and set it in front of the senator.

He dropped money on the bar and pointed with his thumbs to Henry and her. "Get my friends one too."
