Page 60 of Guarding Adelaide

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The line went silent and Rafe stood. "I'll need somewhere to work, please."

Tate nodded. "Set up in the conference room. Addy, and anyone else available will help you in your research."


Addy collected her laptop, tablets, and pens for the conference room. As she set them out on the conference table, Rafe exited their bedroom with his laptop case. He'd showered and changed clothes. He wore tan khakis and a black three button placket shirt which showed off his muscles.

His eyes landed on hers and held. His posture was straight and tall. In a word, he was delicious.

He entered the glass room and the aroma of his shower soap and aftershave filled her senses. That fabulous odor combined with his physique, was impossible not to notice. It was impossible not to drool.

He stopped next to her, leaned in and kissed her. She liked it. Then she saw Maya entering the living area from the kitchen and she remembered she needed to call her parents.

"I have to call my mom."

Rafe cocked his head. "Okay. Gotta tell you, I'm not sure how it makes me feel that when I kiss you, you want to call your mom."

She giggled. "No, I just saw Maya." She pointed to her cousin nearing the conference room. "I better call Mom and Dad before Maya tells Auntie Jax or Uncle Dodge and they tell my parents about you."

He grinned. "Ah. Okay. I feel better."

She turned to leave but stopped. "What do I tell them? Are we...exclusive? Just sort of dating? Having sex on planes?"

He chuckled and kissed her again. Maya entered the glass room and scoffed. "Don't tell me you'll be doing a lot of that."

Rafe grinned, "I sure hope so."

He took her hand and pulled her from the confines of the glass walls. Leading them to their bedroom, he stepped inside, turned to face her and lowered his voice. "As far as I'm concerned, we're exclusive and together. I am completely enamored with you. I want to explore all we can explore with each other because I've never felt like this about another human in my life."

She stared into his eyes for a few moments. Her lips drew up into a smile. "Thank you. I feel the same way."

He kissed her again. "I've got to get to work. Call your parents."

She watched his sexy, tight ass walk away. Yeah, he was delicious.

She sat on the sofa, put her feet on the coffee table and dialed her mom's phone number. It rang only once, "Addy. Are you alright?"

She giggled. "I'm fine, Mamá. Better than fine."

"Your dad said you were in a situation. I hate that for you. Are you still in the situation?"

"I'm at the HOG. We're fine. My records were breached. Casper is working to resecure them."

Her mom let out a deep breath. "Thank god." She cleared her throat daintily. "I always worry when your father, you, Jax and Dodge, and Maya and Myles are out on missions and in situations."

"I know Mamá. I'm fine, I promise. But, I do have something to tell you."

"Oh, dear. Okay, I'm sitting."

She laughed. "It's not bad. Goodness, it's good. I met someone. I really, really like him. He's handsome and strong and smart and he cares for me."

"Oh, honey, that's just wonderful. I can't wait to meet him. What's his name and what does he do for a living?"

She giggled again, so happy to have this conversation with her mom. "His name is Rafe. I can't wait for you to meet him. He's here at the HOG with me. This mission has swallowed him up in it. But, we're working to take care of that and him. He's the Special Counsel for Wade at the Department of Defense."

"And, can he live with what you do? Sometimes, the lines are blurred. If he's an attorney, he may not be happy with that."

"That's a conversation we haven't had yet."
