Page 64 of Guarding Adelaide

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As he drove through town, she told him about some businesses.

"There's Lara's bakery to the left, Lara's Delights. Wait till you have her cookies, they're fantastic. She's between Chestnut Grove furniture and Stackable Reads bookstore. Tomorrow in the daylight, let's take a ride and I'll show you the town and Henry and Everleigh's place."

He chuckled. "That sounds fantastic."

They left the town behind and headed out to the country. Rafe turned down a county road, then onto a country road, and finally a gravel road. She grimaced slightly, her car would need to be washed tomorrow.

The house came into view, a small log cabin nestled at the base of the mountain. The scene was picturesque and peaceful. She texted Tate and announced their arrival. He gave her the thumbs-up.

"We're good to go in."

Rafe backed it up to the side of the cabin, alongside Henry's pickup. He turned to her, "Let me be a gentleman."

She giggled. "Okay."

He stepped from the Mustang and swiftly moved around to open her door. Holding his hand out for hers, a thrill ran up her arm as they touched. They grabbed their laptops and strode to the cabin's front entrance.

Tate opened the door as they stepped on the porch.

"Welcome to our abode."

Rafe grinned and leaned forward to shake hands with Tate. Tate stepped back and allowed them entry. Henry stepped into the room from another. "Hey there. The senator is sleeping now. It's been quiet and he's complaining less."

"Thanks, Henry. We've got it from here."

Henry moved to a little table near the windows and packed up his laptop. "I've researched one of the names on Wade's list. My report is in the system. I hope you both have a good night."

Henry exited the cabin, looking tired.

Tate picked up his laptop and slung it over his shoulder. "A medical kit is in the kitchen. His bandage was changed before he went to bed. He's been rather quiet. He's worried about his family. I've reassured him we have them in a safe house in Hawaii, but he'd feel better to see them. Not sure we can get them here without it being noticed, but I'll work on that."

Rafe nodded. "Thanks, Tate."

Tate nodded at her then disappeared out the front door. She opened her laptop on the little table Henry and Tate vacated. Rafe did the same.

"Do you want some water, Rafe?"

"Thanks. Yes."

She pulled two bottles of water from the refrigerator and brought them to the table. She sat across from Rafe and logged in. She grinned slightly, because it was a kick to work here with him. Side by side, so to speak. To have this in common was exciting.


Rafe worked for a few hours. His back was sore, so he stood and paced the floor a bit just to get his body moving. He wasn't used to being so sedentary. As he turned to return to his seat, headlights on the road caught his attention. He glanced at his watch and noted it was three-fifteen a.m.

"Addy. There's a car on the road."

She slowly closed her laptop case and neared the window where he stood. She turned off the lights in the cabin and checked the lock on the door. "I'm going to check the back door lock."

He listened to her footsteps as he watched the road and driveway for any movement. His heartbeat ratcheted up, his skin prickled.

Addy entered the room once again. "I'm going out to check."

"No. We don't know if there's anyone out there or how many."

"If I catch them off guard, I have the advantage."

