Page 65 of Guarding Adelaide

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She scrambled to the bookcase near the table they worked on. She pulled two comm units from a box and handed him one. "We can stay in touch with this. I don't want them coming near the cabin. If things start going south, call Tate."

His pulse pounded hard in his neck. His blood thrummed through his ears and sounded like a raging river. He swallowed the knot in his throat as she pulled her weapon from its holster and eased from the cabin.

He tried keeping his eyes on her, but it was dark and, in the woods, as they were, it was pitch black. Addy's breathing over their comm unit told him she was around and moving. The rustling of leaves sounded loud to him. It would sound loud to anyone outside as well. Her pace slowed and he listened for her faint breathing.

Shots sounded and he saw the blast of a gun from her area, and another from across the yard at the edge of the trees. He felt as though he'd pass out when he didn't hear anything else for a long time. Then he heard a loud thump and Addy hit the ground or something. Fighting sounded and he heard her breathing increase. She groaned as it sounded like another punch landed. A loud slap sounded. He couldn't see a thing. He looked out the window in all directions, trying in vain to see anything.

Another shot rang out and Addy's heavy breathing came over the comm unit. He hated this. He felt helpless. Out of control. Her footsteps pounding the ground was all he could hear, and finally he saw her running toward the road with the faint sliver of moonlight peeking through the trees.

A car engine started and tires on the gravel could be heard. "Shit." Was all Addy said.

He heard her feet crunching on the gravel, as she mumbled expletives to herself.

He finally saw her silhouette on the porch and opened the door for her. After she stepped inside, he twisted the lock and she pulled the comm unit from her ear.

"Bastards got away."

"How in the hell did they find us now?"

"I don't know."

He removed his comm unit and stared at his computer. "Hey, do you have the scanning software on your computer?"

"We have a portable unit on the bookcase. I saw it in the container when I pulled the comm units out."

He hurried over to the bookcase and opened the plastic container. Everything inside was well organized and he found the portable scanning device. He strode into the senator's room and scanned his body. A faint beeping sounded so he moved closer to the senator. More beeping as he neared. The senator woke, "Who's in here and what the hell are you doing?"

"It's Rafe. I need you to be quiet."

The senator huffed out a breath but was otherwise quiet. Addy padded into the room and stood silent as she watched him.

"Senator, lay on your back."

The senator huffed out a disgusted breath, but as Rafe held the portable scanner over the senator's right shoulder, the light grew bright and the beeping increased in speed.

Addy stepped forward. "Holy shit. There's a tracker in his chest."

"Dr. Krueger is compromised, Addy."

She pulled her phone out and dialed Tate. Tate answered quickly.

"Tate, Dr. Krueger placed an implant in the senator's wound."

She listened to Tate and he moved closer to the phone so he could also hear. "Take it out. I'm on my way."

"Be careful, we just had visitors and they may be lying in wait."

Tate ended the call on his end, Addy ran from the room and he looked at the senator, whose eyes were as round as beach balls.

"What does that mean?" he asked fearfully.

"It means they are still tracking you. It means Dr. Krueger is on the take and likely owned by King. And, it means we have to remove it from you or they'll continue to send people after you."

"Geez-is. Just let them have me. I'm tired of all of this. He's going to get me anyway."

"Maybe not, Senator."

Addy ran into the room with the medical kit in one hand, her phone flashlight in the other.
