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Gazing at her, she sighed as she stroked his face. “That was the best yet.”

A grin spread across his face.

“I aim to please,” he said.

“And you did. Now where are those chicken wings?”


Later that night, Noah lay with Hannah curled beside him, listening to the wind howl outside. Occasionally he heard ice hitting the windows, but mostly the panes just rattled.

What the hell was he doing? Had he lost his mind?

They were friends. Best friends. And he didn’t want to lose her friendship but tonight had been the best sex of his life. It was like they fit together perfectly. Like they were made for one another and yet, he was frightened.

And the first time, they hadn’t used a condom. What if she were pregnant? That would ruin everything. Sure he wanted children, but with his wife, not his lover. And yet, he was sitting here with Hannah and thinking maybe she was the right one.

No other woman he’d met had understood him or even interested him.

The memory of his adoptive parents screaming at one another almost every night when they came home from work, slammed his heart. His mother would disagree with how his father had treated a patient. His father would tell her she was so stupid he didn’t know how she made it through medical school. On and on and on they would fight until, finally, one of them would storm off to the bedroom.

Every night they did this until the day his mother said enough.

He’d learned it was best if he stayed in his bedroom. And still he wanted to become a doctor. After listening to their stories, their successes and their failures, he wanted to be a part of this profession that treated the body.

Medicine was so interesting and the human body was so intriguing. The way everything worked together until it didn’t.

And he loved being a doctor. He loved healing people, but sometimes he thought he would do better in another field of medicine.

The ER was fast paced and some nights were brutal. The kids got to him. You weren’t human if you weren’t affected by a child hurt in a car accident or a drive-by shooting or a parent beating their kid. That one he would never understand. But always, it was interesting. Not boring.

Could he and Hannah work together without screaming at one another? His children would never have to listen to their parents yelling the way he had growing up. His children would not hear their parents call each other names or scream they were stupid or throw a drink on one another.

Before that ever happened, he would pick them up and leave. But the best plan of action was to make certain the person you married was not going to be half crazy. And his mother had serious mental issues while his father did his best to keep her happy until she came after him. Then the fight was on.

It was a roller coaster life that he refused to get back on.

Thank goodness they had never turned on him. From the time he was five years old, he’d listened to their arguments. By the time he was a teen, he couldn’t wait to get out of the house.

Sure, he and Hannah had disagreements. They were friends, and sometimes they disagreed, but they had never yelled at one another. But could they work together all day, come home at night, and not drag each other through the mud, questioning each other’s decisions?

Occasionally, they drank champagne to celebrate, but would one or both of them toss their martini on the other one? No, he refused to live that life again. It was over.

This was why he’d never pursued Hannah. The woman was gorgeous with her blonde hair and emerald eyes. The way her full lips would beckon to him and her dark lashes. And her body was curvaceous and full and so tempting.

They seemed to fit together and just the smell of her aroused him.

With a sigh, he rolled toward her and put his arm around her. He breathed in her fresh scent and his cock began to harden once again.

Asleep, she moaned but snuggled up against him. Unless he wanted to wake her, he better get out of bed. Rising, he walked to the window and gazed out at the snow shimmering in the lights of the hotel.

What if he’d screwed his friendship up?

Turning from the window, he gazed at Hannah curled on her side, sleeping with her arm beneath her head. A beautiful picture of innocence and beauty.

Maybe it was a mistake, but it was the best mistake he’d made in a long time. He’d found no one who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with but he couldn’t imagine a day without Hannah laughing at him, poking fun at him, talking to him about his patients, easing his pain when he lost a patient. There was so much they shared and tonight made perfect sense.

But the pain of listening to his parents screaming at one another was a painful reminder of everything that could go wrong in their relationship. Was he willing to risk his friendship, the peaceful life he’d created to take a chance with Hannah?
