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“Good idea,” he replied.

“Besides, that will keep us out of bed for a little while,” she said with a grin.

Tilting his head, he stared at her. “How is this going to work between us? We’re in uncharted territory and I’m nervous.”

She reached out and took his hand and brought it to her lips. “We are. But it’s what I’ve been wanting for a long time.”

For a minute, she stared at him, waiting, hoping he would agree. But instead he glanced away.

Oh, there were still some doubts there and she could see them in his eyes. But it was now or never as far as she was concerned. She wasn’t going to wait forever on this man. He needed to make up his mind and soon.

When they finished their residency, her family had begged her to come home to Oklahoma, but she’d not wanted to leave Noah. But now, she would pack up and leave tomorrow if things this weekend didn’t go as planned.

Her family wanted her even if Noah didn’t.


An hour later, they were outside, bundled up and cleaning off the jeep. Snow continued to fall and the wind blew the stinging flakes into his face. Thank goodness the rental car company had included a brush to wipe the snow off the windows and the roof.

Even so, with the rate the snow was falling, it wouldn’t be long before the windows were covered once again.

He’d started the vehicle to warm it up and then stepped back out into the cold. As he stood by the jeep door, a snowball came hurling toward him. He ducked.

“Hey, I’m working here,” he hollered.

“And I’m playing,” she replied.

There was a spirited side of Hannah that always lightened the mood even in the hospital. It was one of the things he admired about her. How easily she could become fun and then suddenly be a serious medical professional.

Grabbing snow from around his knees, he balled it up and threw it back at her.

But she had time to make a stockpile of the balls and she bombarded him, hitting him in the chest. Sneaking around the side of the jeep, he came up behind her and picked her up.

Right now, he’d love to throw her into the snow and have his way with her right out here, but there was the danger of frostbite to certain areas of his anatomy he wasn’t willing to risk.

“It’s time you got in the jeep,” he said, enjoying the way she smelled of some lotion she always wore. It was a sweet scent that had him nuzzling her neck.

She turned in his arms, and for a moment, they stood holding one another while snowflakes bombarded them. The warmth of her body reminded him how cold he was before she snuggled against him.

“Where are we going?”

“The desk clerk told me there was a park not far from the grocery store. I thought we’d go to the market first and get what we want and then we could go to the park and build a snowman.”

The woman’s smile lit up her face and she danced in his arms. “Let’s go.”

They both piled into the jeep and he took a deep breath. He’d never driven in snow. All he wanted was to get them back to the hotel without wrecking the vehicle.

“Put it in four-wheel drive,” Hannah said. “The snow is so deep, we’re going to need all four wheels to go anywhere.”

He found the lever, but waited until they were going ten miles an hour and then pulled down the switch from two wheels to four. That was what the attendant at the car rental place had told him. He’d known he would need to use the four-wheel-drive function when they drove.

Immediately he felt the difference and was certain they were not going to get stuck. Hannah had looked up the closest grocery store on her phone.

“Turn right out of the parking lot and then we’re going about a mile down this road and you’ll need to make a left turn.”

There were very few cars on the road and he couldn’t imagine what the emergency room and services in town must be going through right now with this storm. It would be a busy time with accidents, slips and falls, heart attacks, and the other things normally dealt with. It seemed that there were more attempted suicides during the holidays than they would normally have. Those were the worst.

Not only because you knew someone hated their life and tried to end it, but because of his own family situation.
