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And they were out acting like all the crazies they saw in the ER, driving instead of staying at the hotel. But he needed to get out of that room for a little while. If they stayed, they would find themselves in bed together again.

Glancing into the mirrors, he moved into the left lane and came to the stoplight. The brakes were slow to respond, but he wasn’t going that fast, and finally, they came to a halt. But the car going in the opposite direction slid right through the intersection. Thank goodness no other cars were coming.

“And that’s why the ER is probably full today,” Hannah said.

“Yes,” he replied, thinking back to when they had worked through a hurricane and how it seemed there were more heart attacks that night than he ever remembered. Maybe it was the stress.

The light changed, but he waited and looked to make certain everyone was stopped before he moved into the intersection.

They made it through and he saw the grocery store not far away. When he pulled into the parking lot, she turned and smiled at him.

“Good job, now let’s go grab some munchies,” she said.

When they walked in, Noah was amazed.

There were two cashiers busy checking people out, but the shelves were almost bare.

“What the hell?” he said.

“Trucks can’t get into town,” a man said. “And people knew the storm was coming, so they stocked up.”

“Thanks,” Hannah said as they walked through the store. “Hope you didn’t want anything special.”

“I’d just like some dip and chips and maybe some lunch meat,” he said. “That way if the restaurant runs out of food, we’d have something.”

“I want some fruit,” she replied. “But that’s not looking too good.”

The bananas were gone. There were some apples and blueberries and a few oranges.

They went through the store and when they reached the checkout, she pulled out her credit card.

“I was going to get the groceries,” he said.

“You rented the Jeep and I’m so glad you did,” she replied. “Besides, you’re taking me to the park where we can build a snowman.”

Shaking his head, he glanced at her. “You really are ten.”

“Why not? What else are we going to do? Go back to the hotel and…”

A grin spread across her face and he laughed. She had a point.

“I brought a medical book I’m reading,” he said.

“Well, good for you. I’m on vacation and I brought a juicy, sexy romance novel that is going to make me so ready for you.”

They reached the cashier and she gazed at them.

“You’re from out of town?”

“Yes,” they said.

“How did you know?” Hannah asked.

“Because the locals are all snug at home and only the people who didn’t stock up are here in the store.”

Noah shook his head. “We’re from Texas. We have hurricanes, not snowstorms. This one caught us by surprise.”

The girl nodded and then bagged their groceries.
