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“Be careful,” she said. “This storm is not over yet.”

They walked out and once again the snow was coming down to the point it was hard to find the car in the mostly empty parking lot.

When they reached the car, he once again had to wipe the snow off the front windows.

Just as they were about to climb in, he heard a woman scream.

Turning, he saw an elderly woman had slipped on the ice and lay flat on her back.

Hannah was already running toward her.

“Don’t move her,” she yelled at the young girl who was with her.

The girl about twelve was down on her knees. “Grandma, are you all right?”

“Yes, just help me up,” the elderly woman said.

Noah raced toward the woman and when he got there, he saw the pool of blood seeping from the back of her head. She’d taken a nasty fall.

“Ma’am, please don’t move,” she said.

While Hannah talked to the woman, he dialed 911. “We have an elderly woman down in the parking lot of the Cherry Creek Grocery Store. She’s got a serious head injury with blood coming from the back of her head. We need an ambulance right away.”

Hannah was talking to the woman.

“Until we’re certain you’re all right, we don’t want to make a broken bone worse. What did you land on besides the back of your head?”

“My back,” the woman said. “My head is hurting so bad.”

“I’m certain you’ve suffered a concussion,” Hannah said. “Dr. Noah has called an ambulance. You need to be checked out in a hospital.”

The little girl who was with her started to cry.

“That’s my granddaughter,” she said. “Mariah, call your father. Tell him what’s happened.”

Hannah had her fingers on the woman’s wrist taking her pulse. “I need you to take some deep breaths for me and try to relax. Your heart rate is too high. Try to calm down.”

“I hurt,” the woman said.

“We’re both doctors,” Hannah told the woman. “Do you mind if I run my hands down your legs and arms to see if there are any broken bones?”

“No, go ahead,” the woman said. “This ice and snow are making me cold.”

She started to tremble and Noah knew that wasn’t good. He took off his coat and laid it over her. He feared she was going into shock. Where the hell was the ambulance and how long would it take them to get here?

“Mariah, why don’t you keep an eye out for the ambulance,” Noah told the little girl.

He knelt beside the woman and checked her pupils. They were dilated. Definite head injury. “Mrs….”

“Phillips,” she said. “Linda Phillips.”

“How old are you?” he asked trying to keep her talking.

“I’m seventy years old,” she said. “We ran out of bread and instead of making fresh, I came to the store. How stupid is that?”

“Mrs. Phillips, can you count backward from ten for me?”

“Ten, nine, eight,” her voice stumbled, her lips trembling.
