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Standing in the parking lot, they watched the older woman being wheeled away, and then as soon as the ambulance doors were closed, they were taking off.

With a sigh, they slowly walked back to the Jeep.

“Even in Montana, we can’t seem to get away from being a doctor,” Hannah said.

“Nope,” Noah replied. “And I’m frozen. I think I want to skip the outside snow activities.”

“Agreed,” Hannah said. “It’s kind of lost its excitement. I’ve always heard that falls could be very dangerous, but that’s the first time I’ve experienced one.”

Glancing at him, she shook her head. “Take me back to the hotel. I think I want to watch a happy movie.”

As they climbed into the Jeep, Noah, glanced at Hannah. They worked together very well. Always had. Even after being a couple, there was nothing to argue about.

Could they work full-time together and not argue like his parents had?


Hannah loved being a doctor. It had been her lifelong dream but there were days when she had to deal with life-and-death situations. The poor woman had no idea how close she’d come to dying today.

All from a simple slip on the ice. But her head had hit the concrete hard and her heart had not taken the stress of the cold and the fall well at all. If they had not been there, she might have died.

Lying on that cold concrete in the snow with a concussion and a possible heart condition had been too much for her body and she’d gone into cardiac arrest.

As they walked back into their hotel room, they were both silent. She could see their outing had affected both of them. They’d decided against going to the park and building a snowman and she was glad. Fighting to save that woman’s life had drained her both emotionally and physically.

After she closed the door, she sank down on the bed. Even now, the ER doctors were busy doing their best to save this woman’s life. Even now her family was rushing to reach her and be by her side. And her granddaughter was alone in the waiting room, anxious for family to arrive.

Maybe she should have gone to the hospital with the little girl. But the child didn’t know Hannah. All she knew was that Hannah and Noah had helped her grandmother. They were complete strangers.

Noah sank down on the bed beside her and they both reclined against the headrest. “We did the best we could.”

“Yes,” Hannah said. “Maybe I should have ridden with the little girl to the hospital.”

“They didn’t have room for you and her in the ambulance and she could not ride in the Jeep with us because she didn’t know us,” he said.

“True,” she replied. “I just hate to see kids in situations like this where they’re alone until family arrives.”

They lay side by side on the bed together. He reached out and took her hand.

“If we hadn’t been there, she wouldn’t have had a chance,” he said.

“You’re right. She was trying to get up when I reached her side. She didn’t realize how bad she was. But blood was gathering beneath her head.”

“Yes, I saw that. I’m sorry we didn’t go play in the snow,” he said. “I know you really wanted to.”

That was the least of her concerns. After watching that elderly woman lying there, she had realized that in an instant, life could change. It made her even more certain that she wanted something with Noah. Something growing between them that would show her that they were going to be a couple. Not just friends, but a couple who she hoped would eventually marry, have a family, and spend the rest of their lives together.

It was past time to make a commitment to one another or for her to move on.

“After helping her, I wasn’t in the mood, and you had been without a coat for way longer than you should’ve. Are you warm now?”

Pulling her across the bed, he wrapped his arms around her and spooned her. Rising, she pulled a blanket on the bed over them. She could feel him shaking.

“Now I am,” he said.

The curtains were open and she could see the snow coming down. “I’m glad we went to the store. I’m glad we were there for that woman.”

“Yes,” he said. “We probably saved a life today.”
