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“Hannah,” he said out loud and he gazed into her desire-filled eyes, holding her gaze as the two of them rode the crest of desire.

Her muscles clenched him. He knew she was coming, and he was determined to go with her. Staring into her eyes, he exploded inside her and then her own climax ripped through her as she called out his name.

With a mighty slam, he ground into her one last time as she collapsed on top of him, her body slumping, her breathing heavy as he wrapped his arms around her.

Would it be like this forever? If so, how could he ever walk away? They were one.

For several minutes, they didn’t move, and then he pulled out of her and rolled her to her side, spooning her. They lay together, catching their breaths, their hearts slowly returning to earth.

“Hannah,” he said, whispering her name against her ear. “Where do we go from here?”

She smiled. “To Whitefish to spend Christmas with your father and new stepmother.”

That wasn’t the answer he was searching for, but then he didn’t know what he wanted. Their relationship had changed so rapidly and he was so damn afraid. She knew some of what happened between his parents, but she didn’t know the full story and that was what frightened him most of all.

Would she continue to want to be with him when he told her the truth?


The next day, Noah took her to the park. The snow was starting to taper off with fewer deluges. Though the white flakes continued to come down, it wasn’t as heavy.

Jumping out of the jeep, she ran into the park and started to make snowballs. She rolled it along the ground and each one grew bigger until she had a huge lump.

“Come on,” she cried, laughing. “Come help me.”

He stood off to the side with his phone. “And this is Dr. Hannah Young acting like she’s ten, making a snowman.”

The man was way too serious most of the time. And yet, he was so damn smart, she feared getting hurt by him. Not physically, but rather emotionally. Right now, all he’d done was confirm she was in love with him. But if he chose to walk away, she’d be devastated.

Finally, she picked up a handful of snow and formed a ball in her hand and she threw it at him.

“Hey, that’s war,” he cried.

“Then get over here and help me,” she laughed. “Or does the Texas boy have no idea how to make a snowman?”

She figured that was probably part of the problem. Houston didn’t see snow. Mainly ice and even that was only every five to ten years. He’d probably never made a snowman.

Finally he was by her side. “We have to lift this packed ball of snow and set it on top of the other one.”

Together, they placed the ball on the first big fat ball. Quickly, she patted snow around it to make it stick together. The last time she’d made a snowman, she’d been in high school. Too many years ago.

Other people were out in the park with sleds and enjoying a break from being inside. This was their third day of being cooped indoors. This morning, she’d awoken and wondered if they were to marry, would their lives always be this happy. That’s what she wanted more than anything.

“What now?”

“Now we make a smaller ball of snow to put on top,” she said.

Already her hands and feet were cold. They wouldn’t be able to stay out much longer. Frostbite was a real danger.

When he lifted the smaller ball and put it on top, she went to look for twigs to use for arms and even the nose.

In a few moments, they had him all put together. For the mouth, she took out some lipstick and drew it on his mouth. It didn’t look too bad.

“Are you done?”

“With the snowman,” she said. “Let’s take pictures. No one back in Texas will believe we did this.”

Taking out his phone, they took several selfies. Would their friends realize what had happened between them?
