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What could he say? He’d made up his mind. This could go no further.

“We need to return to being friends,” he said quietly. “Today showed me that we cannot work and live together.”

Her face tightened and then she went to the door.

“That’s fine. I can’t do this anymore, Noah. I’ve ignored my feelings for years. Just as soon as this storm passes, I’m going to catch a flight home. I’m not going to your father’s house with you. I need to make a clean break. And that begins just as soon as possible.”

This was just like his parents. Except that there had not been a clean break at all. It had been building and was messy and painful. With him and his father receiving most of the pain from his mother leaving. And then when she committed suicide eight years later, it had been devastating. He often felt like he failed her.

“Hannah, don’t you see you’re doing exactly what my mother did?”

“No, I’m not,” she said. “I’m not screaming at you. I’m not being mean or hateful. There’s no point. You don’t love me and I need someone who is going to love me and want to spend forever with me. I liked the fact that we had the same occupation. I love talking medicine with you. For years, you’ve been my support, but I need more.”

Standing there, all he could think about was that he didn’t want her to end their friendship and he did love her. He’d loved her for years but was afraid.

“I want a husband and family. I want forever with someone. I want my husband to be my best friend. The one I always turn to, and I thought you might be him. But, obviously, you don’t feel the same way. I’ll be leaving as soon as I can.”

No, this could not be happening. Yes, he understood what she was saying. He was the problem. Not her and he knew it.

“Can we please walk back from the edge here and just remain friends,” he asked hoping for reconciliation, doubting there was a chance.

“You’ve had over five years of my life to figure out if I was the woman for you. One comment has sent you over the rails. There is no way we can continue as friends or lovers. As soon as this storm clears, I’m going back to Houston. But I won’t be there when you return. It’s time for me to go home to my family. It’s time for me to start anew. I thought we had something special, but you’ve got issues you’ve not dealt with. And I’m no longer the girl who will wait for you to figure them out.”

He didn’t like the sound of that, and yet, he couldn’t blame her. He was filled with so much fear.


The next morning, Hannah walked out of the honeymoon suite determined never to look back. Tears filled her eyes, but she was unwavering in not letting her emotions sway her. Time to look out for herself. Time to make her dreams come true. With a heavy heart, she shut the door, closing that chapter of her life.

On her way to the elevator, she ran into the woman whose husband she’d saved.

The woman grabbed her and gave her a huge hug.

“Ralph is doing so well. You guys saved his life and I can’t ever thank you enough,” she said.

The very thing that had torn them apart, but she would do it again in a heartbeat.

“I’m so glad to hear he’s doing better,” she said. “We were just doing our job.”

“Well, you saved my sweetheart and I know how you two lovebirds feel about one another,” she said smiling. “I’m going to get some rest and then later, I would love to take you two to dinner.”

There was no way she could sit through a dinner with Noah and the woman knowing this was what tore them apart.

“That’s not necessary. I’ve got a plane to catch. Noah is leaving today as well,” she said not wanting to tell the woman that as of last night, they were no longer officially fake engaged, best friends, or even friends. She was on her way home where she would give her notice to the Houston hospital where they worked and would be returning to Oklahoma City where she would have no problem getting on at the hospital.

Where her family would surround her with their love and heal her wounded heart.

“It’s a lovely idea, but your focus should be on taking care of Ralph,” she said. “Are your children nearby?”

“Just as soon as the roads clear, they will be here,” she said.

Hannah grabbed her hand. “Have a wonderful Christmas.”

“Thank you, dear,” she said. “You too.”

Hannah would be spending the holiday at home in Texas alone. She was on a noon flight and should be back in Houston tonight. She’d pick up something to eat and just hibernate and maybe even start packing up her apartment. As much as she hated to leave, it was for the best.

She waved good-bye and then she stepped onto the elevator. Time to go. This trip had given her all the knowledge she needed and she now had to deal with the heartache, but she was a strong woman and knew what needed to be done.
